View Full Version : Gun Talk

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  1. Close up shots of a MP44 STURMGEWEHR
  2. How's this for a 90 degree turn by a guided missile?
  3. Cockpit 360
  4. News Flash..........
  5. Falling in love again!
  6. Need PC Help
  7. Firewood theft
  8. Jim Blair
  9. Heel spur hero is really a MORAN
  10. Underwood Carbine
  11. CVN-81
  12. Well done troops!
  13. High Altitude Combat in WW2
  14. The F-35 fiasco
  15. Cabin update
  16. Aircraft Information
  17. freedom arms 97
  18. Unusual
  19. So Proud ...
  20. Gunsmith shipping a repaired pistol
  21. Don't care who you are.............
  22. Been there.............
  23. Dresden
  24. VA glasses
  25. Heil Hitler....Trump at his best
  26. TMZ
  27. Lapdog
  28. RIP
  29. Author and USS Arizona suvivor, passes.
  30. Does anyone know what this tool is
  31. The Chinese. I could slap them
  32. Shipping an "antique" Krag rifle to New York state
  33. Iwo jima
  34. Bambi's uncles got into it over a doe
  35. Top 10 Fighters of WW II
  36. Facing an issue of sorts
  37. Will the lap dog leave town
  38. Coronavirus
  39. Looking for advice on value of deluxe walnut stock blanks
  40. New M-4 USAF "survival" weapon
  41. Need Help On Grip Repair
  42. Did USN gun shields in WW-2 need instructions?
  43. Just sayin'
  44. Just a thought...............
  45. SS Robert L Vann sunk by a mine
  46. Century-Old Combat Helmet Is A Superior Shield Against Brain Trauma
  47. Raccoon eyes
  48. Insight
  49. F-16 does it again
  50. Ivanka is now finally a
  51. the Nitwit
  52. Bloomberg and his billions
  53. Dr Jekyll
  54. The Perfect Loser
  55. O.K., this guy had bad day.
  56. China delayed reporting the virus
  57. So it's Gun Talk in name only
  58. Any gun show cancellations?
  59. Some Gun Talk
  60. Tough times for shale oil
  61. How to ID and help prevent Coronavirus
  62. Liberal solution to CoronaVirus...........
  63. Masks
  64. Trump issue orders to buy American drugs
  65. One way to raise some cash
  66. 4x4 truck hunting again
  67. Biden and the 2nd Amendment
  68. Shocked, shocked I say!
  69. Going shopping?
  70. Front row seat in the Coronavirus fight.
  71. Stocking up on water
  72. Why do some countries still have next to no recorded outbreaks
  73. Do you think
  74. In these trying times...........
  75. 03-27-80
  76. Advice
  77. Biden plans to shut down gun industry
  78. Just a thought...............
  79. Union Worker Responds to Biden's Threat Against "AR-14"
  80. Interesting Change In Description of "Corona virus"
  81. Stock market locked down again
  82. What annoys me about corvid19
  83. 04/01/2020
  84. Firing magnum rifles may well cause brain injuries as boxers, football,
  85. Paying bills
  86. Getting close
  87. Stock Buybacks
  88. Proliferation Of Knockoff Brand Name Scopes
  89. The Gambler
  90. Wounder Warrior corruption in program is possible
  91. shopping this morning
  92. Last night
  93. Gas Prices?
  94. Taking a SIP
  95. Half the deaths in the U.S. are in New York
  96. Using an Ozone generator to disinfect
  97. This shows why viruses originate in China!
  98. New Currency
  99. For those who actually care about TP
  100. Easter Parade.... anyone
  101. Six trillion for stimulus?
  102. Our wonderful governor.............
  103. The nitwit has to grovel
  104. Need a butt stock for my '94 AE
  105. Social Distancing
  106. Early refund.
  107. 3.2 million
  108. Parades canceled
  109. 6 Months?
  110. To Increase Church Attendance
  111. tokarev
  112. Bakken crude oil price
  113. The Dummy
  114. Bailouts
  115. Pathogen Resistance
  116. USS Theodore Roosevelt
  117. Things apparently are getting better.
  118. Stuck inside and miss shooting, try this ..
  119. Vietnam... pics you have probably never seen.
  120. Striker fired pistols
  121. Dogs
  122. Stores are running out of yeast for baking, so grow your own
  123. Memories of life.
  124. Fools gotta be fools
  125. Washing you hands???
  126. Posting replies
  127. Cheap Gas
  128. Battle of Schloss Itter
  129. New to me
  130. From your wonderful Democrats
  131. Scottish Covid Instructions
  132. Where's Waldo (Social Distancing Edition)
  133. Navarro called it
  134. pics of stamped receiver sks
  135. How The Kiwis Work The Covid Issue
  136. Gardening this year?
  137. Seen on a T-Shirt
  138. SARS-Covid-2 genetic susceptibility
  139. The Quack
  140. Amish At Work
  141. Hey, whats the status on prince charles?
  142. The Last Supper as a Zoom Meeting
  143. Lyman----What time does the parade start
  144. The Ringmaster
  145. and now for something completely different
  146. COVID-19 thoughts
  147. The M1903 as a Close Combat Weapon
  148. Need a home printer
  149. Food for thought from the freezer
  150. happy easter all
  151. We should never forget when evil takes over man,
  152. John Prine
  153. Oil
  154. wwgunsguys
  155. Russia develops world's DEADLIEST sniper rifle
  156. More lawsuits could be imminent in Covington Sandmann's case,
  157. Hitler say he has
  158. Lab rats
  159. Save the Post Office
  160. American Rifleman
  161. Canary and the coal mine
  162. Another Gun Board destroyed by greed.
  163. The international monetary fund said 1930's style depression
  164. South Korea sending
  165. Post Turtle
  166. 700 ADL
  167. Can he name 'em all?
  168. How a Lot of the Rest of the World Lives
  169. HOORAY!! Spring is here
  170. 5/4/70
  171. Little Humor
  172. He went back to LA LA Land
  173. Contrails
  174. Maryland Scores
  175. Brace yourself, Canadians!
  176. People using humor during lock down.....
  177. Interesting article on what are the best masks to wear
  178. Dog owner walks his dog while staying inside home due to restrictions
  179. Are My Testicles Black?
  180. What corvid has taught us
  181. 2020 national matches cancelled
  182. A historic photo... perhaps
  183. The last fighter pilot, Jerry Yellin
  184. Lions and Tigers Oh my
  185. Is the dummy for real
  186. Australia and the virus.
  187. Save the Post Office: we can do it and here's how
  188. I just don't get it .....
  189. Another thought on COVID-19
  190. Sea salt!
  191. Another Dummy
  192. Now the universities are feeling it.
  193. Out of stock
  194. Dead Cat Bounce
  195. Ice Cream
  196. Two Forums?: gun talk and cracker barrel?
  197. Now for some Gun Stuff - Revolver Versitility
  198. Gun Parts Info
  199. consignment firearme
  200. Gunfight
  201. Injuries by Long bows caused as much damage as a guns
  202. Mt. St. Helens
  203. TV shortage now!
  204. Does anyone know
  205. More scary stuff..the virus CAN enter the body through the eyes:
  206. Toilet seats
  207. The numbers might prompt more stimulus.
  208. Two reporters grill Trump in press conference
  209. Covid Risk Management
  210. Chicago Mayor espouses new world order
  211. Sig Sauer M17
  212. Ammunition
  213. TCr22
  214. Need pics for a book. Please read and help me
  215. Picking winners and losers in WWII
  216. Alternate Histories of WW2- What if?
  217. Taps for Veterans
  218. Some kind of tool
  219. My dad’s watch
  220. The Daily Mail using race baiting again
  221. Howdy
  222. Covid 19
  223. It is a badge of honor
  224. Gun oil and solvent cans (Old) are semi-collectible .Also rimfire,CF: Ammo boxes
  225. So If There Is A Vaccine....
  226. 3"
  227. Hi cost of ammo- for military tanks,also..
  228. Why Arabs Lose Wars. An amazing article. Worth reading for insights.
  229. Anyone remember the library?
  230. Fatso
  231. Good Article On Indescriminate Tree Planting
  232. How many folks see a car they once owned in this short film?
  233. Corpus Christi NAS shooting.
  234. UHT Milk
  235. Second wave
  236. Smart Phone via hsn and Tracfone
  237. Biden declining mentally
  238. N.Y. Governor
  239. I am doing the Trump thing
  240. A tribute for fallen Marines
  241. Trump of the Tropics- Brazil prez Bolsonaro
  242. Fascism and Dictatorship possible in USA?
  243. Am going to put my political oriented posts in 2nd Amendment section now on
  244. Hunting this year
  245. Racooooooon Eyes
  246. Indiana Firecrackers Terrific !
  247. A Brillant Idea
  248. ATF RoboCalls Anyone?
  249. Monsoon started last night
  250. Lot's of rumors about militia types active in Minneapolis (kinda lengthy, sorry)