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Thread: A view from a Vancouver cop

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    Careful Togie, these are not DC MPD, but a conglomeration of various feds (Bureau of Prisons, Border Patrol etc). MPD has an excellent record in crowd control that doesn’t involve violent confrontations.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Ray it doesn't look like a piece of chalk in that guy's hands for marking the 2 hour zone. Perhaps the owner of the Red Malibu, MN 830-RVG will have a story to tell.

    The point being, if police don't want to be misunderstood by the public (a reasonable request) then they should do a better job of policing their own (also a reasonable request).

    Probably had orders to do it I would guess. Maybe illegal parked or belonged to the thief's as I said..They appear not to be in any legal marked white line, spots....

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by oscars View Post
    Careful Togie, these are not DC MPD, but a conglomeration of various feds (Bureau of Prisons, Border Patrol etc). MPD has an excellent record in crowd control that doesn’t involve violent confrontations.
    I'm talking about Minneapolis, not DC, re: slashed tires. In any case, best guess up there is outside departments (Hennepin County, State Troopers) did the slashing.

  4. #14
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Ray it doesn't look like a piece of chalk in that guy's hands for marking the 2 hour zone. Perhaps the owner of the Red Malibu, MN 830-RVG will have a story to tell.

    The point being, if police don't want to be misunderstood by the public (a reasonable request) then they should do a better job of policing their own (also a reasonable request).

    Probably had orders to do it I would guess. Maybe illegal parked or belonged to the thief's as I said..They don't appear to be in any legal marked parking spaces....Probably will also be towed.....Why do you always try to find fault with the good guys...

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by rayg View Post
    Probably had orders to do it I would guess. Maybe illegal parked or belonged to the thief's as I said..They appear not to be in any legal marked white line, spots....
    To be honest your attempts to defend these tire slashings just prove my point for me, about the Blue Wall and how it protects misconduct. You're gonna sprain something defending these guys that you don't even know, for an action for which no agency has so far come forward to explain as legitimate.

    The writer of the letter asks for understanding of the difficulties of the blue life. I ask, to what end? For patience on the part of the public while law enforcement gets its house in order? For the public to simply understand that Derek Chauvins are just going to happen from time to time? Rhetorical questions, but feel free to have a go if you like.

  6. #16
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    [QUOTE=togor;585305]To be honest your attempts to defend these tire slashings just prove my point for me, about the Blue Wall and how it protects misconduct. You're gonna sprain something defending these guys that you don't even know,

    And you don't still don't know the real reason....

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    To be honest your attempts to defend these tire slashings just prove my point for me, about the Blue Wall and how it protects misconduct. You're gonna sprain something defending these guys that you don't even know,

    And you don't still don't know the real reason....
    Well that's progress, we've gone from "not knowing who did it" to "not knowing why". But again this foot dragging bureaucratic reflex to give all benefit of the doubt to the police doesn't do anything to help their reputation. Wouldn't it be a lot easier for you to just say "geeze seems like they should not have done that without a damn good reason"....?

  8. #18


    Togor, Unless you have been a police officer, you have NO IDEA what it's like. Therefore it's best not to talk about it. What was done is wrong even among police officers but they do understand what happened and why.

  9. #19
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    Houston Metro


    I just read an interesting report from the Lawyer of one of the officers charged in the death of Floyd. The officer is a rookie, was on his fourth shift in the field and his training officer was the guy kneeling on Floyds neck? What kind of example is that?
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by m1ashooter View Post
    I just read an interesting report from the Lawyer of one of the officers charged in the death of Floyd. The officer is a rookie, was on his fourth shift in the field and his training officer was the guy kneeling on Floyds neck? What kind of example is that?
    Yes heard that too, posted about it. Someone higher up in the chain of command doesn't look so good right now.

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