Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
well, speaking for both of my former employers,

when you recycle the bags at the grocer,, they send them back (called Salvage) to the whse and they are recycled,

we bag them up and sent back dozens on each salvage run (pallets, plastic etc that went back to the whse_)

poly fill,

more bags,

filler for archery targets etc,

and yes, our local recycler wants nothing to do with them , they want you to put them in the standard trash
Yes, what you describe is great, Lyman, but what percentage of all the bags used are recycled that way? Judging from what I see while driving, or when walking in some fields with my dogs along the highway, it's not great. One of these big hay fields is at least 1000 yds wide, & I see bags hung up in brush on the far side from the road! It would be preferable, I admit, simply to KILL all those throwing them out their car windows, as they deserve, & allow responsible folk to continue using them, but until that becomes possible (killing those MFs, I mean), banning them is the best option.