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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny P View Post
    Recently at WalMart and observed car with handicapped license circling looking for a parking spot near the entrance. Most of the handicapped spots were taken by cars without handicapped plates. Called the police department and they told me to tell Walmart about it. Think they left WalMart a book of tickets?
    private property, po po don't do tickets on private property,
    accident investigations either,

    Walmart can (I did when I was in managing a few grocery stores) give the police access to the lot and ask them to prosecute, then they can,
    however most tickets will be for people parking in the fire lane, (fire marshal can write that too in this area)

  2. Default

    If it is a properly marked handicap parking spot the police can and will issue a ticket to a person that does not belong in that spot. It doesn't matter who calls the police or whether it is on a parking lot owned by the business. I may be wrong but I think this is a Federal law. As far as the fire lane that is a different matter. That lane is there because the insurance company for the business requires that there be a fire lane. It's not there because it's a law. The business has to contract with the police dept. to inforce the fire lane parking.
    Last edited by mjpchief; 11-08-2018 at 05:34.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjpchief View Post
    If it is a properly marked handicap parking spot the police can and will issue a ticket to a person that does not belong in that spot. It doesn't matter who calls the police or whether it is on a parking lot owned by the business. I may be wrong but I think this is a Federal law. As far as the fire lane that is a different matter. That lane is there because the insurance company for the business requires that there be a fire lane. It's not there because it's a law. The business has to contract with the police dept. to inforce the fire lane parking.
    not in RVA,

    Fire Marshal will ride up, get out, and ticket everyone parked in a fire lane if he chooses, and they stick when you go to court,

    private property or not,

    may just be a local ordinance,

    I managed a downtown Grocery store for about a year, they never asked me, or my predecessor,

    while it may be an ADA violation , most of the police in this area (city and county) did not write a ticket for parking in a handicap space,

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    ......... po po don't do tickets on private property
    Forgive me Lyman? I always have to chuckle whenever I hear someone use the ghetto-phrase "popo" in reference to the police. When I was first growing up we spoke German in the house. Popo is your arsch, hintern...your butt. At Oktoberfest around here one can buy T-shirts with the words "Kuss or Kussen meinen popo!"

    *added* still chuckling but not at your expense. I went to Oktoberfest a couple years back with two friends. One gal saw the t-shirts hanging on display and asked me what it said.

    "You want to know what that says? Kiss my @$$"
    Oh come on...seriously what does it say?
    Kiss my @$$
    You're terrible! Anita, what does that say?
    Kiss my @$$ two are one of a kind. Just terrible.

    So she asks the vendor who is holding back the laughter. I leaned over and said "Humor her, she's Polish"

    Now laughing "Kiss my @$$"

    *SCREAM* This is why I hate you Fkng Krauts!
    It took a few more minutes but she eventually got it.
    Last edited by JB White; 11-09-2018 at 04:39.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  5. #15
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    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    yeah but was she cute?

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Former Cav View Post
    yeah but was she cute?
    Both were cute enough that I let them take me out
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    Forgive me Lyman? I always have to chuckle whenever I hear someone use the ghetto-phrase "popo" in reference to the police. When I was first growing up we spoke German in the house. Popo is your arsch, hintern...your butt. At Oktoberfest around here one can buy T-shirts with the words "Kuss or Kussen meinen popo!"

    *added* still chuckling but not at your expense. I went to Oktoberfest a couple years back with two friends. One gal saw the t-shirts hanging on display and asked me what it said.

    "You want to know what that says? Kiss my @$$"
    Oh come on...seriously what does it say?
    Kiss my @$$
    You're terrible! Anita, what does that say?
    Kiss my @$$ two are one of a kind. Just terrible.

    So she asks the vendor who is holding back the laughter. I leaned over and said "Humor her, she's Polish"

    Now laughing "Kiss my @$$"

    *SCREAM* This is why I hate you Fkng Krauts!
    It took a few more minutes but she eventually got it.
    no worries on my part, when I was in the grocery business I managed a couple stores in what could be considered the hood,

    my customers called the police po po, or the man,

    I picked up the slang

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