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Thread: Vegas

  1. #21


    Disclaimer: 80 years old, *no military service (other than that I chose ROTC over gym in HS), have never fired a full-auto weapon, *not into the "black rifle culture", but am an outspoken 2A supporter, Benefactor NRA Life member, voted for Trump and would again, etc. Having said that:

    F**k the libs.

    However, why do we not - proactively for a change - make some moves?

    (1) How about the NRA proposes a national law banning "bump-stocks". They were created for ONE purpose only - to "legally" skirt the full-auto issue. There is absolutely no justification - in my opinion - for their existence. Yes, they are "fun", but I think we are going to have to consider that losing a bit of "fun" is better than losing everything, ala Australia, etc.

    (2) Magazine size - let's get reasonable (yes, I know, bad word) and cap it at 20 rounds, period, nation-wide. Basically for the same reason as above. Any new mag law should specifically exempt all .22RF arms. "Magazine dump" may be a colorful statement, but it really has no place in civilian firearms usage.

    (3) Let's clean up the language about "sawed-off shotguns" - and address the end result. If it is illegal for Billy Bob to whack one in his garage, then it should be illegal for an arms manufacturer to produce and sell basically the same thing. I would think that the end objective would be to keep such very short arms off the street, no matter who makes them.

    I could go on an on, but the above will produce enough flaming for awhile.

    *those alone will, sadly, alienate many here.

  2. Default

    No compromising the RKBA/2A. If the assailant had chosen arson for his MO, used flammable materials, created panic-think of the Cocoanut Grove Fire in 1942 or the Happy Land Fire in 1990-where would the demands for bans be ? What could be banned ? Australia-No RKBA, basically an authoritarian government with a democratic veneer. We are different.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by blackhawknj View Post
    No compromising the RKBA/2A. If the assailant had chosen arson for his MO, used flammable materials, created panic-think of the Cocoanut Grove Fire in 1942 or the Happy Land Fire in 1990-where would the demands for bans be ? What could be banned ? Australia-No RKBA, basically an authoritarian government with a democratic veneer. We are different.
    We have building codes, sprinklers and the like. So by your example, you agree with Dick even as you suggest otherwise.

  4. Default

    One of the clauses in the Contract with America in 1994 was that Congress would live by the same laws they passed for the rest of us. It was revealed that several Congressional office building did not adhere to building codes-one had no sprinklers.
    What features firearms have should be dictated by consumers and purchasers. I do not care for aluminum or polymer frames-Glocks, e.g. But if other people want them....

  5. #25


    Perhaps the problem Dick senses is that this guy unveiled a whole new low-cost way of creating mayhem in our society. I'm sure the "Allah Akbar" guys took notice. Columbine changed school security, and twelve guys with box cutters forced a rewrite of aviation security and our foreign policy. How many open air venues in this country have high rise hotels next door looking down on them?

    The concert promoters and hotel company may escape liability this time by arguing that the attack could not be reasonably forseen. But that argument is hereafter gone, and if something like this happens again....

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Does society mandate bullet proof glass in all public buildings taller then one story, "frisking" everyone who enters a hotel lobby? Does American society now want/need/desire some type of "people" control to move about. It wouldn't be that difficult with computers and credit type cards to restrict movement of "suspicious" people. Want food, slide your card or gas or a ticket to anywhere. Present your I.D. or no dice...sound familiar?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oceanside, Ca


    Dick, I think you're preaching to the choir.

    Yeah. Some will object and oppose. But at least it would be nice to have a discussion, rather than a MANDATE from the liberal elite, who don't have a freaking clue as to what the hell they're talking about. Not that that has ever stopped them!
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  8. #28


    The bump fire stocks and the Atlkinson ratchet crank things were approved by the ATF beginning in the 1990's. I rather think when they approved them it was with the idea that "...if we give these guys enough rope, they will hang themselves..."

    I agree with Dick that we - the NRA - ought to ask for a ban on any add-on device to accelerate rate of fire of any semi automatic firearm. Be proactive and get it done.

    Let me be clear not only a ban on manufacture but a ban on possession.
    Last edited by Griff Murphey; 10-03-2017 at 04:54.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Orangevale, CA


    You ban parts people crack me up

    If you will commit the Ultimate crime (murder) - do you think a misdemeanor (or felony) charge of "scary part" is going to stop someone from killing?

    You are way out of reality.....

    There is NO LAW which will stop a nut.

    So let's punish 350 million people that didn't go berserk because of 1 that did.

    Why is it when a terrorist kills with a car or knife, no one wants to ban them. Why are we told not to blame the religion - blame the person, yet the first thing we do with a shooting is blame the tool.

    I know..... let's ban murder..... there, problem solved.


  10. #30
    leftyo Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by dobek View Post
    You ban parts people crack me up

    If you will commit the Ultimate crime (murder) - do you think a misdemeanor (or felony) charge of "scary part" is going to stop someone from killing?

    You are way out of reality.....

    There is NO LAW which will stop a nut.

    So let's punish 350 million people that didn't go berserk because of 1 that did.

    Why is it when a terrorist kills with a car or knife, no one wants to ban them. Why are we told not to blame the religion - blame the person, yet the first thing we do with a shooting is blame the tool.

    I know..... let's ban murder..... there, problem solved.

    well said.

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