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Thread: Halloween

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Halloween

    It's really a non event anymore. We had exactly three kids show up for a sugar buzz handout. Okay, it was a little chilly, but that never used to stop them. Not much if anything for pranks these days, either. Not even soaped windows or roll of TP decorating a teacher's house. Local businesses have handouts timed for an hour or so after school gets out, but I hear even those aren't well attended.

    When I was in HS, a lot of tomatoes and eggs got tossed around. Actually harmless but I can't say I miss it. Another sign of changing times, I guess. SW

  2. #2


    Never had a trick or treater. Guess I'm too far off the beaten path.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenboremag View Post
    Never had a trick or treater. Guess I'm too far off the beaten path.
    Consider yourself very fortunate.

    Back in the 70's when I got married we lived in a townhouse apartment at a typical apartment complex. As you can imagine at Halloween time there were kids everywhere. We would throw a small party, invite the neighbors over, have margarita's, beer, coffee, cupcakes and stuff. We'd keep the front door open with all the lights on for the kids to know it was an invite to stop in plus they didn't need to knock and yell "trick or treat".

    We'd take turns greeting the kids at the door and usually their parents who were about our age. Some of the costumes were kinda neat and everyone was polite but that was "back then" and no the kids got candy not the alcohol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Very low turnout here too. Maybe 3 kids with parents.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Our experience was a bit different. First and most importantly, our church has always had a heavy turnout for "trunk or treat." Had well over 2000 people show up. Heavy participation by PD, FD, and various other members of the community. Of course, that was not the house. Our daughter, SIL and g.son live maybe 1/4 mile down the street. So, we set up operations at their house since they have a front yard. My wife and I live in a 2nd floor condo which would have made things a bit difficult. We had well over 200 assorted boys and girls come by ... escorted by older siblings, parents, etc. We had a wonderful time. Decorated the front yard and put up a maze in the backyard. Everyone entered through the maze. At the exit, we saw to it they all got candy, etc. Everyone had a lot of fun. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by bruce View Post
    Our experience was a bit different. First and most importantly, our church has always had a heavy turnout for "trunk or treat." Had well over 2000 people show up. Heavy participation by PD, FD, and various other members of the community. Of course, that was not the house. Our daughter, SIL and g.son live maybe 1/4 mile down the street. So, we set up operations at their house since they have a front yard. My wife and I live in a 2nd floor condo which would have made things a bit difficult. We had well over 200 assorted boys and girls come by ... escorted by older siblings, parents, etc. We had a wonderful time. Decorated the front yard and put up a maze in the backyard. Everyone entered through the maze. At the exit, we saw to it they all got candy, etc. Everyone had a lot of fun. Sincerely. bruce.
    Nothing wrong with that !!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beautiful British Columbia


    Our neighbourhood is going the other way. We used to be much more rural, everyone had an acre or more. Now there are 1/2 a dozen houses crammed on each lot. We used to get 4-6 kids, over 60 last night. Some make you happy. 3 girls maybe 12-13 came to the door, no costumes and only 1 bag between them. They said it was their first Halloween and that they had just moved here from Iran and they thought since they all lived together one bag was enough, The wife gave them a couple more bags.


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