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    The American military did everything asked of it and more in the Viet Nam war. That no one cared
    at the time we did that was criminal. Amnesty to draft dodgers only confirmed how criminal.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by BlitzKrieg View Post
    The American military did everything asked of it and more in the Viet Nam war. That no one cared
    at the time we did that was criminal. Amnesty to draft dodgers only confirmed how criminal.
    Let me put it this way -- Jimmy Carter is NOT my favorite ex-president. He and the protestors who encouraged the enemy to hang on -- kill enough Americans and you can win on the streets of the US what you could not win on the battlefield.

    Find a Soldier’s Pregnant Wife

    Find a soldier’s pregnant wife
    And you can have some fun
    Tell her husband was just killed
    And laugh about what you’ve done

    Listen to her crying
    Smile your self-righteous smile
    Feel smug about yourself
    You made a woman cry

    Her husband is far away
    And she must live with her fear
    She is all alone
    With no one to comfort her

    You have inflicted misery
    Almost more than she can bear
    If her husband was here
    You know you wouldn’t dare

    And when he comes home wounded
    You can have more fun
    Imagining his wife telling him
    About what you have done

    You call yourself a protester
    And rationalize your act
    You have shown yourself a coward
    And that is just a fact

    You smugly say, “I saved your life/”
    So this is what I’ll do
    I’ll live to piss on your grave
    And have my fun, too

  3. #23
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    Vern- That is precisely why I told my wife when and if it happened, how she would be notified and how to verify.

    The low life protestors are still around.
    Last edited by PWC; 10-21-2020 at 08:20.

  4. #24
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    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by PWC View Post
    Vern- That is precisely why I told my wife when and if it happened, how she would be notified and how to verify.

    The low life protestors are still around.
    I'm collecting piss in 5-gallon cans for them. See you at the funeral!

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    I'm collecting piss in 5-gallon cans for them. See you at the funeral!
    i'm going to schidt on their grave.
    I had an aazzhole boss that did the "how did it feel to kill all those babies"?

  6. #26
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    The war was not wrong, how it was fought was wrong. Not going all out to win was wrong. Washington involvement at the foxhole level was wrong.

  7. Default

    Had a classmate who'd been brown water navy. We were ROTC and he braced me up one Saturday in a bar. 'Why are you against the war?' 'Don't you think it's stupid to fight a war there's no intention to win?' End of that discussion.

  8. #28
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    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    We (the United States of America) have NOT WON a war since WW 2 and depending on who you are talking to, some folks believe we really did NOT win that one either!
    SO, Our politicians get us into this schiddt and then cut and run and bale out and NOBODY is held responsible. We got a DRAW in So. Korea when we could have WON. WE (the politicians and the MEDIA) made sure we LOST in Vietnam. GIAP himself said he was ready to QUIT after TET of 68 until he saw OUR SLIMESTREAM MEDIA spouting their propaganda.! (look it up!) We left behind 85 BILLION in "stan" in weapons and uncle sugar and all the libs want to confiscate your 38 special!! GIVE me a BREAK.
    SO. WHO is getting PAID OFF for all this?? There should be TREASON trials all over the place and I'm not seeing anything.
    Eisenhower said "BEWARE of the military industrial complex".
    Your thoughts?

  9. #29
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    If we had politicians with balls, that wouldn't happen.

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