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Thread: Property Tax

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    As it is our land and homes can be taken away from us due to not paying property taxes.

    Some of us may fall on hard times OR the gov't may decide to raise taxes to the point you can't afford to own your land that you have already paid for and own. I see that every day where residential property is re-zoned into commercial property.

    There's no "checks and balances". The gov't can do anything they wish with no recourse or accountability.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Death and taxes are the only two sure things in life.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    Death and taxes are the only two sure things in life.
    The difference is that death doesn't get worse with every session of the legislature.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    The difference is that death doesn't get worse with every session of the legislature.
    Very astute Vern!

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    In other words a person can be taxed to death but there is never a death to taxes.

    Again. Taxes I understand (to limited $) but question the taxing of land/homes.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Our once small town is now a city, They have the plans for a new elaborate city hall complex. Many of the older residents are against it but of course now make up the minority.

    If it were actually needed that would be one thing but that's not the case. What they operate in now is appropriate. (who are they trying to impress ??)

    Artist renditions of the complex have been posted in the local news sites. My wife asked me "how in the world can they afford this?" I reminded her about property taxes. Rather than cut taxes they just hunt for ways to spend what they are already taking in. If the $ balance gets too high they can always stuff some of it into the "emergency fund" or "general fund".

    These are "funds" that no taxpayer ever see---no one knows how much goes into it, comes out, or goes to whom. It's no wonder why so many want to go into politics (at any level) and once they do they never leave.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Deep in the Ozarks


    That is why I REFUSE to live in a city, town or village. If forced to live in a neighborhood with a Homeowner's association, I'd probably go berserk,

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    That is why I REFUSE to live in a city, town or village. If forced to live in a neighborhood with a Homeowner's association, I'd probably go berserk,
    I know what you mean but I live out of city limits too. City water and fire dept services come from a nearby city. Police do come to our area but can refuse since it is the territory of the county (sheriff's dept). Property tax is determined by the county.

    HOA fee's ARE a tremendous rip-off. It all began with the realtors who were selling subdivision lots to make the place look pretty till the last lot was sold then they would pull the plug and let everything grow up in weeds. Property owners pretty much kept their areas neat and sometimes their next door neighbors. Soon the realtors discovered this hidden goldmine that they could hire school kids to mow the sidewalks and charge (as in force) the homeowners a monthly fee.

    Some subdivisions have golf courses, community swimming pools and rec rooms. While these amenities were advertised to sell the lots likewise the homeowners end up having to pay inflated HOA fees to maintain them even though they may not ever use them. So like property tax they pay for all of this via higher prices then they pay for it again to maintain it.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Re: HOA fees. Probably are some HOA's that are poorly run. About like anything else involving people. Have lived in communities where standards were poorly enforced. No one wants to sink money into such a place. Have lived in some places where the standards were enforced by the municipality. Usually worked out fine. Last house we had, the HOA could get a bit frisky. Will say, everyone kept their place up to standards agreed upon at purchase. Standards were enforced regardless of what type house or location within the subdivision. Basically you couldn't rebuild a car in the driveway, had to keep shrubbery trimmed and grass cut, etc. Not a big deal. Now retired. Live in a condominium w/ a HOA. Outside of condos, lawns, shrubbery, etc. stays nice. Also have playgrounds, very nice swimming pool, tennis courts, nice areas for grilling, very well maintained parking areas, no crazy loud jacked up music in the middle of the night, etc. Happy not to have to deal with a 5 acre yard, jungle of bushes, etc. All in all, its a good deal. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    [QUOTE=Allen;657151]I agree that taxes should be paid in the form of sales tax. That way everyone pays.


    Sales taxes are regressive -- the poor pay more, percentage-wise than the rich.

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