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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Saturday coffee Nov. 4

    Weather turned off a little nicer which will help attendance at the local gun show this weekend. I'll go over tomorrow since today might be a bit crowded. Sent a couple guns for my friend to set out on his tables - a Marlin Model 36 in 32 Spl and a spare SKS... oh, and a Pietta Colt 1872 open top repro I haven't fired for at least a decade. I'm not really after anything but usually buy something on impulse. Should one of mine sell, I'll grab an air brush for painting model kits. When it snowed last week I got one down to start... and quickly recalled how I don't like sub-atomic particle sized parts. But I'm keeping after it.

    I'll mess around with that while wifey and granddaughter watch football. I'm not much for TV sports. Flop Ears got me up at 0430 as usual and away we went for our short hike. Since wifey has company to help her, I'll pass doing dishes on to them. In the meantime, it's back to being quiet so they can sleep in.

    Pic of the kit I'm assembling. Second tour overseas, I was the battalion gas truck guy. SW
    IMG_0332 (2).jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    Cool looking truck! I don't see any c/v joints on the front, so the build should go well, at least on the front axle.

    As mentioned earlier, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers are hosting the B.C. Lions on Sunday a week from now in the CFL West final.
    The semi-final that B.C. won against the Calgary Stampeders today was not as an easy a win, despite the apparently lop-sided score at the start of the 4th quarter.
    I didn't watch, but kept checking from mid 3rd quarter during commercial breaks.
    I'll probably watch the West Final if wife-a-saurus doesn't mind too much.


    Doc Sharptail

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.


    I completely forgot about the wonderful time change. Now I'm hanging around the house an extra hour waiting for the gro to open so I can get deli breakfast and a few things. Why not move it 1/2 hour one way or the other and just leave it alone? No- wait... that might make sense.

    Ah, well. I'll hit the gun show later this morning, and that will help salvage the day. SW

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    Might be worth it to watch for a Crosman pumper pistol. Some of the 1st variant 13-22's can be had for cheap at shows. Build quality is high on them.
    Still looking for a k-2.5 when I get a chance at shows.


    Doc Sharptail

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