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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Saturday coffee Oct 14

    Just finished looking over IMA's Saturday offerings and saw the ne plus ultra of obscure photography items - a WW2 "Beano" grenade made by Eastman Kodak. I doubt even Doc has one! But it's $1900 which means it will be on the shelf for a long time.

    Snowed yesterday. Of course, it didn't stick, but it was coming right down for a bit. Hopefully that means no more mowing for the season. Blowing snow? That's another matter! Got up a little early @ 0415 so away we went for a short hike. Kinda chilly... which might have had something to do with the lack of coffee drinkers lined up at the gro to sit in the deli and trade lies. There were two people waiting for the bakery to open, though. They open @ 0530 and were a bit late. McRonalds opens @ 0500. Nobody in there except 2 kids being cell phone zombies.

    Plans for the day include writing a bit and goofing off a lot. Did house mouse stuff for wifey already so I'm GTG that way. Off now to cruise a couple sites to see what's up in Ukraine and Israel. SW

    (Just for Doc )

    ETA: Dang! $1900 and somebody bought it!
    Last edited by 5thDragoons; 10-14-2023 at 05:55.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    You're well ahead of me time wise this a.m.~ still one-eyed over the first cup.

    That may have been a prototype made up in a small lot (?)
    I recall reading somewhere that Kodak was not as well set up as some others for weapons manufacture- like Saginaw Steering Gear etc.
    They did however, provide tons of large format roll film (try saying that quickly this early in the a.m. without tripping over your tongue!) and cameras for aerial photo work. Interesting connect to the o.s.s. which would have made the time frame fairly late in the war...
    Pricing is actually pretty far outta my humble "reserve" range :P


    Doc Sharptail

  3. #3


    Only about 94F in central AZ today. Next week it will be about 100 every day. Maybe cooling down some after the 22nd. It's "unseasonable warm"- something we hear every year here (that kind of rhymes).
    It hit 104 here last week which was a degree under the record set in 1917 at 105. So, I think we are warming up a little. What's causing that? I'm not sure.
    But I get out there and am landscaping the back yard. I don't like sweat so it's, take a break, a shower, change clothes, maybe take a nap and then hit it again after 2:00 p.m.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    spend 1/2 day friday buying a new to me vehicle

    traded my Civic for a RAV4 (2021) much more better for what I do for a living,,

    Sat took the day off and wifey and I hit a couple of wineries and an apple orchard ,

    working a bit today, then will go home and make a nice big apple pie

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