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  1. #1

    Default This group is DEAD

    No posts for two months, and that was one of those STUPID "I saw a Krag in a movie" ones. Why not transfer your business to the KCA site?

  2. Default

    Hi Dick
    I?m a charter member of the Krag Collector?s group but have never had much luck using the website.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    how about posting up some stuff,

    if you want to poach members from here to the new sight, well,

    there is a word for that,

  4. #5


    I recently got back from a Krag hunt in the Bitterroots of Idaho. No animals were harmed in this hunt, unfortunately.


  5. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kragrifle View Post
    Hi Dick
    I?m a charter member of the Krag Collector?s group but have never had much luck using the website.
    I still check in here from time to time - this morning the icon said there were 80 people viewing! That's great, but where are the posters? No one has anything to say? No one has any questions? Nothing for show and tell? Very disappointing. As to the KCA site - we are in the process of revamping, improving, and enlarging the list of observed serial numbers.

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