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  1. #1

    Default This group is also DEAD

    While Al Frasca's GREAT site is gone, the link is now in place (click on "Bulletin Board") directing you to the new TD site run by John Spangler of It promises to be just as good as Al's, PLUS you can post pictures (never possible before) AND use all of the punctuation characters . . .
    Last edited by Dick Hosmer; 08-30-2023 at 11:09.

  2. Default

    Still have a soft spot for this website!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kragrifle View Post
    Still have a soft spot for this website!
    I know, so do I. I'm even a member of the OFC (do you remember the Duke's dying words?), but, facts are facts. Virtually no one posts here for either TD or Krag any more. Part of that of course is natural attrition, and the diminishing interest in artifacts of that period. I'm close to selling off/thinning down . . .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    My wife's house in Nebraska


    While there?s still a market for trapdoors.
    Hollywood could revitalize interest with good movies that give an historical focus on trapdoor development
    Last edited by Fred; 09-11-2023 at 10:47.

  5. #5


    I still check in here from time to time - this morning the icon said there were 124 people viewing! That's great, but where are the posters? No one has anything to say? No one has any questions? Nothing for show and tell? Very disappointing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    My wife's house in Nebraska


    Yes, it is.

  7. #7


    My brother and I take the black powder guns to the range in Sandpoint ID when it is open. It is always a kick to turn loose a cloud of BP smoke on the young guys shooting their ARs. The Buffington sights on my 1884 are just the ticket for shooting paper. Wintertime we go out to a shooting place in the National Forest - those sights are about useless under those conditions.

    If I get a nice target I'll take a picture and post it.


  8. #8


    Here’s one of mine . . . .


    Not too shabby . . .for 82-year old eyes!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    Jim, that is close to your Mauser that you posted as 18 inches high over point of aim. As I see it, you have this one set up for hunting deer. Especially for one moving from left to right.
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnMOhio View Post
    . . . . .Especially for one moving from left to right.
    Ahhh, yes, John . . . . .

    I see you have figured out my reasoning . . . .

    I will ONLY take shots at deer moving from left to right! Ha Ha!

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