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Thread: Saturday coffee Aug. 26

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Saturday coffee Aug. 26

    Dregs of the west coast hurricane finally made it here, and he heat wave seems to be over - 20 degrees cooler this morning! Been busy all week finishing a book. Publisher wants a bio pic... maybe after I shave - which could be a while.

    There was supposed to be a balloon festival here but so far no balloonies to be found. Maybe it was too hot. No real plans for the weekend - got the lawn all mowed one morning before the death star got cranked up - pretty well caught up on other chores, so like always, me and Flop Ears will be quiet so wifey can sleep in. Since I was up @ 0430 I might catch one, too. SW

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    Getting ready for a 2nd folger's. Man, that's some flatulence inducing concoction!

    Got a cut down milk carton on the back of the bike now. Daily average distance is creeping up towards twelve miles.
    Undecided on the rear carrier box as it makes getting on the bike kind of difficult. I'll give it a week's trial.
    It is handy for lugging bulkies like a 12 pack of Charmin around.

    On the manual focus film camera lens front, the last zooms that nikon made were not all that bad, and there's a new to me Tamron wide-angle to try.

    Back to heating up here after a week of more or less heavy over-cast. 70 degrees already. I'm hoping the scorcher stuff is done for the season soon.


    Doc Sharptail

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    I have a 150 year old (or so) red cedar tree in my front yard that overhangs my front fence and is starting to obstruct my view of getting on the hwy when I leave.

    I started trimming it yesterday with my pole saw--filled the 8' bed of my farm truck (what I call "a load"). Largest limb was about 5"-6" across. Unloaded the truck this morning into my burn pile before the heat of the day arrived. Got a long ways to go. At this point you can't tell I've done a thing.

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