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Thread: Saturday coffee July 29

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Saturday coffee July 29

    I'm watching older daughter's dogs while her & SiL are camping. As hot as it is I cant see that being a lot of fun, but I'm confident they're having a swell time.

    Got a garage sale bicycle and have it off to the bike shop for a new seat post. My primary hinted I should get in more exercise, so I will.
    Early in the AM, of course. No real plans here - let the dogs out periodically and that's about it. They're good mutts so I don't mind at all. She has them on a tight diet, but I take a cookie over, and that results in tails being waved.

    For now I'm enjoying the 62 degrees. It won't last long. SW

  2. Default

    Daytime high temps have dropped off a bit here.
    We've gone from a stretch of low 100s to the low 90s in the 10 day projections. Woke up to a heavy overcast this morning. Feels weird to go from clouds being a rare sight to nothing but. Still trying to come up with a game plan for the day. Coffee should help with that.

    Decided to try and move the truck last week after letting it sit for way too long. Puppy fired right up on 2 year old fumes. Next thing I know it's after 10:00 PM and I'm still playing around with it. I swear I could almost hear my mother (long gone) yelling at me to knock it off and call it a day. Some things never change.
    Time to set out the sprinklers on the lawn.

    Hope your day's a good one.

  3. #3
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    working at the shop, got a helper putting stuff online for me,

    spent a few minutes( like 30) on various boards and got my mailing done for the day,

    hit the range yesterday and tested some loads for my new upper, found 2 that will get the job done, and will load up a pile of them tomorrow or Monday, (supposed to drop from high 90's today, down to high 80's tomorrow and maybe rain

    wife out of town, so batching it tonight, may end up with pizza and beer, or Chinese and beer, or sandwich and beer,

    not sure which, either way, it will be beer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    Quote Originally Posted by 5thDragoons View Post
    Got a garage sale bicycle and have it off to the bike shop for a new seat post. My primary hinted I should get in more exercise, so I will. SW
    Good for you!

    I still try to ride like a 12 year old- which means as fast as I can, which is a big no-no for my age.
    I've had a couple of minor spills due to carrying things on the bike without a carrier, without injury to the bike or me.

    When you do get on it, hopefully you'll stick with it a while. If it has gears, lower is better for geezers that ain't rid in a while.
    Taking it easy, and taking breaks were fairly important advice to myself, which I have to heed.

    The achy leg thing will diminish a bit a bit after you've been on the bike for a while.
    For me, it totally took care of the night time restless leg syndrome, and it's rather painful leg and foot cramps.

    I've lost about 9lbs now, after 2 months of pretty well daily riding. Another 2lbs wouldn't hurt, and it's all coming off where it should at the mid-section.

    Hopefully the bike shop will inspect it for you, and possibly check on the lube condition.

    Post pix when it's back in hand!


    Doc Sharptail
    Last edited by Doc Sharptail; 07-29-2023 at 10:01.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Sharptail View Post
    painful leg and foot cramps.


    Doc Sharptail
    My mother was getting those and claimed bananas helped cut down on both the frequency and severity. For me, it seems to be sugar causing the worst of it. Dark chocolate and real honey, not the store bought stuff, I can eat all I want with no problems.

    Turns out corn syrup is in almost everything to some degree and rice syrup seems to be a thing nowadays
    I try to avoid both as much as possible. When I do wake up with the occasional leg cramp an Excedrin PM (1) knocks it right out.
    Last edited by Dragonsdad; 07-29-2023 at 11:24.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Sharptail View Post
    painful leg and foot cramps.
    I guess a number of things can cause this. My wife always said it was due to a lack of calcium. In my case it turned out to be a lack of hydro. I NEVER drink water. Of course everything you drink contains water so... She is one on those (like my mother) who always has a glass of ice water or ice tea within arms reach. I drink very little of anything and get woke up constantly with leg or foot cramps. Tried drinking more and the cramps reduced for me.

    With the hot weather it's easy to do now.

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    Last time I was over, my Euro pals were amazed how much water I drank. I was amazed how little they seem to get by with. My main man's wifey, Natasha asked what I drink with dinner. "Water!" sez I. "You don't have wine with dinner?" she asked in amazement.

    The amount of wine consumed over there flat astounded me. After touring the big museum in Liege, we had dinner in a nearby Italian restaurant. I noticed EVERY table consumed no fewer than 2 bottles with their meal, and nobody was walking funny when they left.

    After my 2 tours in beautiful S.E. Asia (where having enough was problematic), I keep 2 gallon jugs in the fridge. Water is good, and colder is better! SW

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allen View Post
    I guess a number of things can cause this. My wife always said it was due to a lack of calcium. In my case it turned out to be a lack of hydro. I NEVER drink water. Of course everything you drink contains water so... She is one on those (like my mother) who always has a glass of ice water or ice tea within arms reach. I drink very little of anything and get woke up constantly with leg or foot cramps. Tried drinking more and the cramps reduced for me.

    With the hot weather it's easy to do now.
    you should drink a lot more water,

    if your pee is yellow, esp if it is dark yellow or orange, you need to stop and drink a bottle, now,

    dehydration is a thing, and affects older people more, and it helps flush out your kidneys if you are a producer (stones,, my kidneys are gravel pits) like me,

    re the wine, when I was in the grocery biz, 2 bottles per table at a function wasn't enough to dull the pain of having to be there, 4 of us in the course of an evening would drink at least 2 bottles apeice,

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    They say 20% of the American population does not like the taste of water and don't drink it. I'm a part of that 20% and have been for 70 years now. My son doesn't drink water either. I've never seen him drink any. I get water by other means and probably not enough.

    My last past job sometimes required long hours outside in the elements. My employer provided us with bottled water in big tubs iced down--no limits. Me and most others there would get a bottle and toss in a packet of flavoring like a diet or energy drink before consuming. That's about the closest I come to drinking the stuff and those days are over. Now, it's coffee, soft drinks, fruit juice, tea and such, mostly which have ingredients not good for the body.

  10. #10
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    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    I had actually been to the Dr. over the night time legs thing, and he prescribed a calcium supplement~ which ain't a bad thing in moderation.

    As far as the water thing goes, I take a little over a quart with me when I bike to fish at the creek, and I drink it all before I get home.
    The source of your water determines the taste, and the likely-hood of your drinking it.
    We are fortunate here with our aqueduct that takes water from Shoal L. which is an excellent natural source, and requires a minimum of treatment.
    I dislike most well water, heavily treated water, and plastic bottled water that I see everybody drinking these days. I hate the plastic flavor they provide, and I can taste it quite readily.

    My go-to drink is still coffee with a little under a teaspoon of sugar in it in a 12 oz. cup. Not a fan of creamed or milked coffee in general, unless it comes from a coffee/donut shop. Then it needs dairy to take the bitter edge off the commercially made stuff.

    Personally, I suspect the night time leg cramps came from spending way too much time working on ladders, and more importantly, lack of sufficient excerise.


    Doc Sharptail

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