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  1. #1

    Default Green Moutain finally came through

    I have been sitting on a Yugo M76 build for about three yrears now. It started with the purchase of a receiver off of Gunbroker, then a scope and mount off Ebay and a nice parts set from Gunbroker again. Last piece of the puzzle arrived last week in the form of a brand new barrel from Green Mountain. They have been out of stock for over two rears. Theres a local AK builder I can use to put her together. This should e a lot of fun. I had a Century build a few tears ago, but it had some issues. This one should be better.
    Enfield, everything else is just a rifle. Unless it's a Garand.

    Long pig, it's what's for Dinner!

  2. Default

    Good to see you are still kicking and making things happen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by BlitzKrieg View Post
    Good to see you are still kicking and making things happen.
    You too. You've been awfully quiet lately.

  4. #4


    Been ging through a lot over the past couple of years. Had a stroke and several heart attacks so no longer working. Sold off a bunch of stuff over the past two years, but still have a few things to do. Managed to get a perma-ban from another gun forum. Still have two project vehicles to get done, a 1944 GPW and a 1952 M-37 3/4 ton truck. So still kickin' around for a bit.
    Enfield, everything else is just a rifle. Unless it's a Garand.

    Long pig, it's what's for Dinner!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Hal O'Peridol View Post
    Been ging through a lot over the past couple of years. Had a stroke and several heart attacks so no longer working. Sold off a bunch of stuff over the past two years, but still have a few things to do. Managed to get a perma-ban from another gun forum. Still have two project vehicles to get done, a 1944 GPW and a 1952 M-37 3/4 ton truck. So still kickin' around for a bit.
    Finishing projects. That's something we all need to be thinking of (especially me). The more we finish the less mess we leave behind for our family to contend with.

  6. #6


    Ive got an 8mm go gauge on the way and am looking to have the rifle put together later this month. Also still looking for a bullet guide for it.
    Enfield, everything else is just a rifle. Unless it's a Garand.

    Long pig, it's what's for Dinner!

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