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Thread: Type I Rifle

  1. Default Type I Rifle

    Hello all! This is my first post here. I cleaned up a couple 1950s S&W revolvers for my former next-door neighbor. I did it because I like doing these things, not for ca$h. He also wanted to have me clean up an "old war relic" for him. Of course, I agreed. He said it likely was damaged because he couldn't even see through the barrel due to some kind of blockage. I took the rifle to my work area and found nothing wrong except that a spider had decided to inhabit the barrel of this rifle! When I returned the rifle, he was elated. He wanted to pay me but I refused so instead of money, he gave me the rifle. I have since found out this was one of the interesting and not very common Type I rifles, in 6.5mm. Lucky me, right?!!! That was at least 10 years ago. Sadly, the old gent has passed, so I can't get any information from him. What he told me at the time was that while in the Navy, one of his jobs was operating troop landing craft to various islands in the Pacific. At one of these, Tarawa (I THINK) he went ashore and took this rifle from a dead Japanese soldier there. Since then, it had stood in his closet collecting dust.

    I'm not yet smart enough to post photos here, or I'd include some photos of the rifle. As the rifle is in great condition, I'll fire it using some Norma 6.5 Jap ammo for it. I also got one of the hooked quillion Type 30 bayonets for it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    posting pics is super easy,

    when posting comments you should see a list of icons above the box you are typing in,

    the box that looks like a tree in a frame is the button to push for posting pics,

    you can post from a hosting service or from your computer (phone prompts may be slightly different)

    select the pic, and you are done, (the prompts are fairly easy to follow)

  3. Default

    Thanks very much, lyman! I have to dig the rifle out of storage, then I'll see about posting some pics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.


    If you feel like posting the serial number letter prefix, I can tell you which arsenal made it. SW

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