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Thread: The Army rejects the Mann Niedner Design in April 1918

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Van Wert, OH


    Quote Originally Posted by Marine A5 Sniper Rifle View Post
    Really. I will leave that assessment up to the readers. Your track record isn't so great.
    Once again a personal attack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marine A5 Sniper Rifle View Post
    Has anyone noticed that Norton is trying to convince us that the Army ordered scopes they hated to be mounted on '03's just because the Marines did (according to Norton)? Does that make any sense at all? Nope, it doesn't.
    When Jim states his comprehension of the documents that I post, I honestly cannot follow his thought process. I try to, but he inserts info that is not there, and then ignores the info they clearly state. I disagree with almost every conclusion he just came up with in the previous post.

    But I am going to try to streamline this more.

    The Army ordered the Marine Mount A5's, because they had no other choice. They were trying to get WRA to make them a new scope based on the German Goerz design, but WRA was taking over a year to accomplish that. The Army wanted the Goerz German scope since about 1914, but couldn't get bc the war started. So they were trying to have someone copy it. In the meantime of waiting for someone to copy it, the Army was using the Warner Swasey bc it was better than the A5, which they hated.

    They finally had to order A5's in 1918, bc they had NO OTHER choice. They had tried to get 4000 Warner Swasey scopes made during WWI, but WS couldn't get the lenses to produce them

    So it required the Army to go to the only other scope they could get in number, the A5.

    Jim how about you post even ONE doc that says WRA made taper mounts? Lets just keep it that simple.
    Last edited by cplnorton; 03-05-2023 at 03:56.

  2. Default

    Once again a personal attack.
    I just re-read all our posts, and in view of what I read, your comment is interesting.

    The Army ordered the Marine Mount A5's, because they had no other choice.
    You have been posting the documents that prove the Army ordered rifles with Marine Mounts all along. With this statement, you just confirmed it.

    The Army could have ordered scopes from other scope makers. WRA was not the only company making scopes. The Army definitely had a choice, and the chose to copy the Marines and order their rifles mounted with Marine Mounts with their Niedner type taper bases, "just like the Marines".

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    " At this point, what difference does it make"? HRC

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