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Thread: What is It?

  1. Default What is It?

    This is a picture of Canadian snipers training. What the heck is that device they are using?

    canada sniper training - Annotated.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beautiful British Columbia


    Kind of looks like a training mount to me, the solider is centre to the rifle, could it be that the device sets the elevation to a desired height and this familarizes the shooter to the correct placement of the rifle sight?

    Just a guess mind you.

    I do remember seeing a device which used a spring and nail to train shooters with a Lee Enfield, maybe ammo was considered expensive back then?

  3. Default

    Beats me. I never seen anything like it.

  4. Default

    Thinking same as KTK. Wheels look oval.

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