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  1. Default Canadian Snipers

    The sniper on the far left is holding a Ross rifle with a Winchester A5 scope mounted on it. I know squat about Aldis scopes. The Canadians helped train our snipers, and we owe them a great deal of thanks. A Canadian even wrote our sniper training book.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    I was the Antique Arms show in Vegas after Shot, and even tho it was billed as an Antique show, it was a bit of everything,

    been in the business many years, and saw more P14 and No 1 Snipers in one room that I have in my life,

    the No1's were Aussie,

    no Ross Rifles there, unfortunately

  3. Default Another Canadian Sniper Trainer

    Today, I will put a face to a man I have read much about (Marsden). I believe the little boy is Maj. Smith's son. Maj. Daulty Smith ran the OSD SOS School. SOS stands for Scout-Observer-Sniper. Observers carried a big scope on a tripod around with them and stayed back from the front line, Observers were pretty much on the move most of the time, and Snipers picked a spot and concealed themselves to wait for a shot. All three reported what they observed at the end of the day.

    This is a crop of the original photo due to size (about 100 men to a class). I posted the entire picture on this forum about ten years ago. I got the picture from Martin Pegler, who retired as the Queen's Armorer to buy a winery and give motorcycle tours of France's battlefields. This picture appears in a book with a minor error in its caption. The caption states it is the Nov 1918 class, but it was actually the June 1918 class.

    Marsden & Smith & Little Boy - Annotated.jpg

  4. #4


    Thanks Jim, your posts are always great.

  5. Default

    Thank you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    Thanks Jim. I agree with K arga.
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

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