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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas

    Default Stuck Bolt...Sheeesh

    Took the son and wife cakes to the gun club yesterday to shoot. Of course my wife shot her carbine. It may be hers but cleaning it is strictly up to me.

    I've always found a carbine tricky to disassemble compared to an M1 Rifle but that may just be me because I don't do it enough and partly because I think that part could have been done better by the design team, but the little rifle was a bit of a rush job.

    Anyway, got it all disassembled and cleaned up and started re assembly. I dropped the bolt into the action (yes it is right side up) fiddled with it and realized it had gotten stuck canted up in the receiver. I mean stuck as tight as "Dick's hatband." All attempts to free it including some light leverage with a screwdriver blade and light tapping with the plastic end of said screwdriver. Not being willing to damage a valuable firearm the next step is a gunsmith....ugh.

    Since my hands, like everything else, have gotten a lot weaker since I've been sick I think I couldn't have applied too much force when it got stuck even if I tried. What a revolting development this is!!!
    Last edited by Art; 11-02-2022 at 09:24. Reason: Accuracy

  2. Default

    Get some dry ice and pack around the bolt but not the receiver. Maybe hit the receiver with propane torch. Won't hurt it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Not seeing the gun and problem, there may be an easy fix I'm not aware of but for all the trouble, expense and possibly damaging your wife's gun I would just take it to a smith IF you know of one that is competent. Otherwise continue to tinker, use an ultrasonic bath and other things you've already thought of probably.

    After getting the carbine back in order get your wife a nice Remington Nylon 66. They seldom need cleaning and oiling is not recommended. You can use the carbine experience as an excuse to buy it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    wood block (or plastic) on the floor,

    tap back of receiver on the block (like you are dropping it, but don't let it fall over, )
    try the barrel end too,

    should shake loose,

    and yes, they can suck to work on compared to the rest

  5. Default

    Get it out?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by barretcreek View Post
    Get it out?
    Yup. I had a professional do it. What a pain in the patookie.
    Last edited by Art; 11-14-2022 at 12:53.

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