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  1. #1

    Cool Greetings from Alaska!

    Hi Folks,
    Just joined and have enjoyed reading the posts.
    Instructions said to post a bit about myself, so here goes. I'm a blissfully ignorant collector and perhaps relatively young (40's). I've been focusing on Springfields, specifically stuff made around the time of the trials of 1870/1. Have an interest in Sharps rifles as well. Used to do a little bit of CMP/Highpower shooting with an NM AR years ago, but never could put the time into it - I suppose I mention this to say I like modern guns as well as the next and have spent a fair bit of time at the reloading bench, including loading for older and modern lever actions (like 32-20 and some very heavy 45-70 for fun). I have a very small blog at - there's nothing for sale there, just a journal of stuff I'm researching or working on. Life member of NRA, GOA, and some state orgs.
    Anyway, thanks for having me, and look forward to reading more and contributing if and where I can.
    BTW, I'll be in Tulsa this weekend for the Wanenmacher show! If anyone has a table there or is visiting, I'd love to say hi. Probably be wearing some swag from Alaska Gun Collectors Assoc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Welcome aboard.

    Looks like you will fit right in.

  3. #3


    Thanks Allen!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South West VA


    Welcome aboard and enjoy the site!


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