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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    The cat rescue is actually a group of families in WV. The couple who are raising Hammy are currently hand raising more than a dozen kittens ranging in age from a few weeks to several months. Hammy was only a few weeks old when he was acquired by the rescue and appears to be the oldest kitten there at about 4 months and is the first available for adoption. The rest are in the process of being vaccinated and are scheduled to have neutering surgery at some point in the next few weeks so they won’t be available for adoption for at least another month. It is hard to look around and not to be taken over by the cuteness. The rescuers watch tv every evening while handling or bottle feeding a lap full of really tiny kittens. Hammy is a prime example of what gentle handling at an early age can do.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Hammy turned out to be a great addition to our family. He’s very friendly to everyone he meets and very playful.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    What a handsome little guy Hammy turned out to be at six months. Weighs around 10 pounds. The tiger stripes are stunning. He continues to be extremely friendly and still likes to be held. He is more like a dog that follows us from room to room and wants to be a part of everything we do.

    Last edited by Merc; 09-02-2022 at 04:41.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    My first "best friend" was a tomcat marked similar to yours and had 4 white feet (Boots). It was my grandmothers cat where I was dropped off every morning by my mother on her way to work. I was only 2 or 3 and carried that cat around like a forklift with both my arms stuck out. Being a tom in particular he let me do most anything and waited for me to show up in the mornings. Very gentle and never scratched.

    I remember every animal I grew up with (there was a bunch) and miss them all.

  5. Default

    Might as well jump in here. A few months ago a little male tabby started following us when I walked Tinkerbell, our 5 year old Bichon. Needless to say , since he kept hanging around I adopted him and at 7 months had him neutered and vaccinated.
    He lives in our sunroom but I have been letting him out during the day, bringing him in the afternoon, only feeding him inside. Now two months later he often likes to get a little rough when playing and really doesn?t much like to be held. He is very good inside always using the litter box and never spraying.
    Should I keep him inside more in an effort to make him more gentle? Will he grow out of it?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Kragrifle View Post
    He is very good inside always using the litter box and never spraying.
    Should I keep him inside more in an effort to make him more gentle? Will he grow out of it?
    Since he isn't spraying (and having him neutered young helps with that) I would say yes, of course. He will get closer to you and start sleeping at the foot of your bed if you let him. Also, some sunrooms get very hot, some have little to no ventilation or air current.

    You might consider installing a pet door to the sunroom in order to keep his liter box (and odors) out of the main house?

    As far as being held, some cats don't like to feel "crowded" or restricted. Best for him to come to you rather than you go to him. Remember, that's how you two met in the first place. HE came to you.
    Last edited by Allen; 09-04-2022 at 11:16.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    The female cat that we lost to cancer in April was a lot like your male cat. She eventually became friendly but play time usually got kinda rough. She liked to sleep on my lap and was not really all that fond of being held early but that changed as she grew older.

    Cats begin to develop mentally at a very young age, perhaps within the first few weeks of their lives once their eyes open. They become used the warmth of being with and fed by their mother and the warmth and comfort of being in close contact with siblings. Insert a human at this stage to provide food and warmth and the cat will associate all the creature comforts it has become to enjoy with humans.

    My kitten was rescued from a hoarder while he was only a few weeks old and was in bad shape. He was starving and had an umbilical hernia that left a three inch scar once the vet performed surgery. The rescue organization fed him every few hours, nursed him back to health and held him every night until we adopted him when he was 4 months old. Since he was handled and held every day when he was very young, he seeks that same attention from us. Imagine waking up from a nap on your favorite recliner with a 10 pound 6 month old kitten laying on your chest purring in your face.

    I would give your new friend some space and show him as much kindness and attention as possible and I think he will eventually begin to associate the finer things in his life with you. Play with a chase toy, feed him, give him treats, pet and brush him and see what effect that has. It could take a long time but will be worth it.

  8. Default

    Thanks for the advice!

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