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Thread: .30-06 info

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by milboltnut View Post
    yes your are wasting my time, and countless others who read your posts. You are extremely confused when it comes to handloading 101.

    It does, and I said you size the case to the proper headspace to the chamber and you are missing the simple concept here.. I'm wondering why trimming is needed and where the brass comes from? Hmmmm. The neck doesn't thin out, so where does it come from? Hmmmm. Couldn't imagine.I don't have to trim, and only Partial FL size. Nothing new here. Making stuff up ?? The pic I posted is worth a thousand words.

    the case Does Not have headspace, the case, or cartridge, is loaded (resized etc) to fit into the chamber, which has a headspace measurement,

    one thing yall are forgetting is chambers wear, chambers have been cut oversized, long, short etc, and you can move shoulder etc by using different dies to fit, if needed,
    mostly thru fire forming and then either neck sizing vs FL,

    you can have dies made to fit your specific chamber if needed,

    but none of that is headspace,

    as far as trimming, brass flows, the excess does not necessarily come from the shoulder,
    basic reloading 101 tells you to check for a ring at the base of a cartridge, that ring is where the stretch happens, and typically where the brass is worked a bit more then the rest when reloaded,

    note,, mountains are being made here out of mole hills, and I get the impression I'll be locking this soon

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by fguffey View Post
    You are making this stuff up again. The shoulder of the case cannot move back when sized with a die that has full case body support. A die that does not have case body support is a seating die. A die manufacturer/designer worked all of this out before there was a reloading forum. They suggested crimping the neck while seating a bullet is a bad habit. Dillon started making dies, they made a die for seating the bullet and a die for crimping.

    F. Guffey

    Dillon was late to the Reloading party, separate crimp dies have been around a lot longer,

  2. #32


    I don't get any stretching at the head considering I only bump a few of thousands and the case length stays put, UNLESS I oversize, then the length changes. Splitting hairs about case HS, considering when you push back a shoulder in one direction the necks goes the other direction. I understand sizing brass to fit the chamber, but cases can be described as head spaced, that's what case gauge is for to measure case HS.

    Never heard of chamber wear... other than throat erosion which isn't in the equation here Lyman. Increased HS happens from bolt locking lugs which a bit softer than receiver recesses.

    If you wanna lock this thread be my guest, as far as I'm concerned this information really isn't necessary to improve my loading skills. But be a man , and accept the fact, that you don't have all the answers.
    Last edited by milboltnut; 02-12-2022 at 05:39.
    For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    Quote Originally Posted by milboltnut View Post
    I don't get any stretching at the head considering I only bump a few of thousands and the case length stays put, UNLESS I oversize, then the length changes. Splitting hairs about case HS, considering when you push back a shoulder in one direction the necks goes the other direction. I understand sizing brass to fit the chamber, but cases can be described as head spaced, that's what case gauge is for to measure case HS.

    Never heard of chamber wear... other than throat erosion which isn't in the equation here Lyman. Increased HS happens from bolt locking lugs which a bit softer than receiver recesses.

    If you wanna lock this thread be my guest, as far as I'm concerned this information really isn't necessary to improve my loading skills. But be a man , and accept the fact, that you don't have all the answers.
    I never claimed to have all the answers, but have been reloading for 30+ yrs, and reloading 30.06 the entire time,

    you want to confuse a few terms, but that is ok if you are doing it?

    but not others?

    re the being a man, please read your own sig line,,
    Last edited by lyman; 02-12-2022 at 06:34.

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