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  1. #1

    Default Off on another Krag hunt

    Well, I didn't get the draw this year, so I bought a tag for the second open hunt for coast elk. It's in the free-fire zone. As usual I'm taking the Krag. There are some clearcuts where I may have to use the 7 mag. It's a sporter made up from a Kar 98. Six day season ... man there aRE times I regret moving out of Idaho, and elk season is one of them. The Siuslaw unit where I will mainly hunt is spike-only. The Neighboring Alsea Unit allows you to take any bull elk and has a lot more USFS land, but my brother Eric lives in the Siuslaw and knows it pretty well. He's kind of gimped up but we can work together, him on a stand and me trying to move the animals.

    If I have to drag a gun through brush and timber, it will definitely be the Krag.


  2. Default

    Good luck Jon, happy hunting!! Firearms season for whitetail starts here Sat so my brother and I will be "dragging" our krag sporters through the brush and timber of the Catskills.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Wonderful to be able to hunt really big game like Elk! Lots and lots of them have been brought to the meat pole by a well aimed Krag. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  4. #4


    Well, the Oregon hunt was great except no elk! Not even fresh tracks or sign! I used the 7 mag a couple evenings staking out a clearcut, but most of the hunt was Krag country.


    This is what the clearcuts looked like. No road access at the bottom - you can shoot an elk in the heart and it can easily run 50-100 yards, usually downhill. The you have to pack it back up a 90-110% slope covered with wet, slippery logging slash.


    This is more like what I'm used to. Overgrown logging road, now an animal trail


    I found this memorial tree at a ridge summit, along a BLM road. RIP.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    San Fernando valley, Ca.


    And no bullet holes in the memorials. WOW!

  6. #6


    WTF is a "memorial tree"? I'm NO Sierra Club tree-hugger, but that seems like wanton desecration, to say nothing of being a HUGE eyesore. When I'm out in the woods, ALL I want to see is "the woods"!!!!!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Hosmer View Post
    WTF is a "memorial tree"? I'm NO Sierra Club tree-hugger, but that seems like wanton desecration, to say nothing of being a HUGE eyesore. When I'm out in the woods, ALL I want to see is "the woods"!!!!!
    I am used to hunting in deeper woods than this. Oregon is its own place. I'm not sure what the story is - maybe they knew each other from way back, or from VN, or maybe they worked in the woods together. It's the first time I've ever seen anything like this. The world is a big place, what can I say?


  8. Default

    Elk season was too warm, no weather. Someone at F&G posted a 'hunt this place' on their site. Half mile from my cabin. You'd think 'hunters' would have the IQ to move away from the crowd. Ended up at the south end of the unit, along the Continental Divide, but no sign or sounds.

  9. #9


    I did go on a 4-day cow hunt with my brother, 12/1-4, There were a lot of elk around but we didn't score. I'll put something up in Gun Talk next day or so.


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