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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ottawa, Canada


    The comment above about making out a will is critical. If you and you spouse do not have wills, then your estate will be distributed by the government according to rules set by them. The rules vary by jurisdiction and are generally pretty logical - but they may not reflect what you would want. If you have been estranged from one of your children, for example and want to leave that kid a nominal dollar, that will not happen. The kids will share equally. If you wanted to leave money to the local SPCA unit, that won't happen either without a will. In addition without a will someone will have to go to court to ask the court to appoint an executor at a lot more cost. Bottom line, make a will. You can do this using a will kit that you find on-line but for once, use a lawyer since the rules vary by jurisdiction.

    By the way, did I ever mention that in addition to being an engineer, until I gave it up last year I held the designation of Certified Financial Planner and self published a book on Amazon on this stuff. (2001 Boring Things That You Should Know About Your Finances)

  2. #12


    Some lawyers feel it's beneath them to mess with Joe's will. You can just get the forms on line. If you don't like banks and lawyer's don't leave your heirs a mess that involves banks and lawyers.
    Wills can generate some real fuss(movies have been made about them). If you have a family that is combative, set up a will that is very well thought out. -but for once, use a lawyer-
    Yeah, a real lawyer can referee in a logical, cool manner. Every been to traffic court? It's entertaining to watch people represent themselves.

    -Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    Buy on a falling market, sell on a rising market.-

    -When I try that the market just keeps falling and the particular company or companies go under.-

    Been there, done that.

    Timing is everything and it's darned hard to do. Talking stock market now. It's hard to believe that you can be wrong 100% of the time. You'd think it would statistically impossible, but I am witness to it. Exit strategy; That's setting a hard number on when you bail and stick with it. "It'll bounce back, it always does" is not a plan. Markets fall down way better than they fall up. Most of us don't have ten years to wait for the market to recover. I'm the last guy you want to listen too about investing but incredible, I've somehow made a little money. Some small win's..and loss's in the market. The boring CD;s, IRA's and Money Market funds(which aren't as secure as you think), were consistently profitable. You'll never go broke taking a profit. I've always liked that line.
    Last edited by dryheat; 09-14-2021 at 10:32.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  3. #13


    Forget bonds, remember what obama did to the GM Bondholders? All for the support of the unions.

    Get basic commodities, Salt, for preserving food. land for growing the same. [ even inside a building for year round farming.

    Brass and copper items.

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