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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allen View Post
    Mention troll and they volunteer their identity.
    Why did you create alternate identities on this forum? To assist moderation?
    "The first gun that was fired at Fort Sumter sounded the death-knell of slavery. They who fired it were the greatest practical abolitionists this nation has produced." ~BG D. Ullman

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roadkingtrax View Post
    Why did you create alternate identities on this forum? To assist moderation?
    he admitted why,, in a past thread,

  3. #23
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    here is the thing about banning people,

    to play fair, and yes, life is not fair, you ban someone for breaking the rules,

    infractions, time outs etc then perma ban,


    RED, got lots of infractions,
    Vern, and Sam a few,

    RED,, more so than the other 2, could not seem to follow the rules, then, after a few vacations, apparently gave up, and started following the rules,, then left, for what ever reason, (he has not viewed this thread)
    Vern is now Admin,,
    Sam,, self exile due to an issue with email that only sysad can fix, and got a warning or infraction or 2,

    the other side, the Stoogez,

    togor,, walked the line, rarely dipped a toe, and when I had a chance for a long deleted post,, sysad stepped in and made him moderator,
    pebbles, and trax,, both got some infractions,, but never pushed the issue or crossed the line to get a time out,,

    there is a lesson to learn there,,, but don't seem to understand it,

    I've banned a metric poo ton of spammers,, been like 6-8 a week lately
    I banned Maus45 for being Maus45,

    don't think anyone else got the banhammer except for the extra accounts,
    togor sniffed out gunsmoke,
    Sam had a total of 4 accounts, all but one are banned,
    extra accounts are not a thing I'll tolerate

    I don't know if togor has banned anyone, the list I can see in mod mode shows mostly JeffL and I banning spammers,

    new members are looked over maybe once a day,, I check IP's and if they smell like they are spam,, the poof,, they go,

    I'm not sure if Vern or togor look over that,, surely JeffL and sysad do not,

  4. #24
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    I did PM Togor on the subject of this thread! Why I haven't replied back here with it is because I cannot find it! Where are PMs stored?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Major Tom View Post
    I did PM Togor on the subject of this thread! Why I haven't replied back here with it is because I cannot find it! Where are PMs stored?
    top of the page, by your login\name,,
    notification, has a drop down, for inbox

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