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  1. #1

    Default Newb from Louisiana


    Been lurking for a while and realized I had never registered. I retired at the end of last year, (still waiting to see if it's permanent), so I have a little time on my hands these days.

    I've been hunting on my own since my age was in single digits and shooting for fun almost as long. As an older friend of mine once described himself, I'm an accumulator rather than a collector. If I can't hunt, compete, or just shoot for fun with it, I don't keep it. The only exceptions are my grandfathers' shotguns. I snuck my first Garand into the house in my 30's and I've been in the dog house ever since.

    Still young (I tell myself) and still learning so that's why I'm here.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    central Arkansas


    Welcome from Arkansas.

    I spent some good years in Louisiana, some in W. Monroe and some in Moss Bluff.


  4. Default

    Welcome John,

    I built a few shrimp boat engines around Dulac, I have never felt more welcome and feed better, they set the volunteer fire alarm off, the next day they stopped by to apologize if all the noise kept me awake. My older brother told them if he could sleep through all the Chevrolet P/Us rusting he shouldn't notice the sirens at the fire house.

    F. Guffey

  5. #5


    Thanks for the welcome guys.

    Dulac. My family is from the Thibodaux/Vacherie area so you were in my cultural neck of the woods. A lot of differentiation even among the french Louisiana cultural groups. My wife's family was from closer to the middle of the state and while they spoke french too, the words and customs were a little different.

  6. #6


    If you haven't been to West Monroe lately you might not recognize it. Half way to Ruston now out I 20.

  7. #7


    I was in Shreveport, Ruston, and West Monroe a couple of years ago, but it's been probably two decades since I've been up through Sterlington and Marion.

  8. #8


    The chemical plant explosion in Sterlington almost blew the town off the map. Has been just over 20 years ago. The old narrow ass bridge over the Ouachita river has been replaced with a modern concrete bridge.

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