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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon_norstog View Post
    I guess I will use mine wisely. What the gov. is hoping is you will spend it fast as you can and give the economy a kick. I might spend my share on a non-resident elk tag in Idaho or Montana. Or, I don't know, hookers, horses, tattoos ...

    sounds like a plan

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Major Tom View Post
    It's March 30 now. Comrade Joe said everyone will have their stimulus checks by now! Another lie from the mouth of 'oatmeal for brains'!
    And now he's planning another stimulus bill to add to his 3 trillion dollar bill. I do know the welfare idiots got theirs. Plus the illegal immigrants!
    This latest bill is for 'family care and welfare'!
    I think they call this sort of conflicted attitude towards free money "biting the hand that feeds you".

  3. Default

    Mine will be supporting Las Vegas in Oct

  4. #24


    I'm going for a drive tomorrow to pick up a Winchester mod. 94 pre 64 in .32 Win Spl that I took to a smith in Montana to tune up the action, I will be leaving some of that returned tax money the feds stole from me for that project. Along with that I will be leaving another lever gun for some tune up work and that's being paid for by that money right along with the gas and other expenses for the trip. Probably not what they want that money to be spent on but it's my money and guns ammo and gun work seems right to me. I have no less that 6 other stops to make while up that way and any of them could produce purchases, I'm pretty sure the stuff I buy with that money isn't going to be what they want me to spend it on. In a working mans case this returned money isn't free money, it's money they returned, ain't no such thing as free except in a sick or perverted mind. Oh yes that 94 was bought with the previous returned money. Hope to find some 170 gr. slugs for it.

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