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Thread: 1864 Springfield Cartouche & Barrel ID Help

  1. Default 1864 Springfield Cartouche & Barrel ID Help

    Took out my 1864 Springfield Type 2 to the range. Afterward while cleaning it outdoors I finally spotted the cartouche under natural sun light, which I couldn't really make out at all while indoors. Its about the best angle and lighting of a shot I got. Any help in identifying? I got the rifle last month from a close friend who got it thru an estate sale 10 years ago. He never shot it as it was in neglected condition and he kept it in his home office. Only history was that it was owned by one family only, originally it was the Great Grandfather's. It seems all original and in excellent shape, just neglected and dirty. Did take me about 40 hours of painstakingly delegate cleaning.

    Also any idea about the markings on the backside of the barrel as to any meaning or is it just inspectors markings?

    1864 Cartouch.jpg
    1864 Barrel Markings.jpg
    4 Barrel Markings 1864.jpg
    1864 Shooting.jpg

  2. #2


    Cartouche is “ESA” for “Erskin S. Allen”.
    Last edited by JimF; 04-03-2021 at 05:55.

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