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Thread: Covid 19 Vaccine Reactions

  1. #11


    Friends have had reactions ranging from a sore arm similar to a tetanus booster to strange headaches and flu symptoms. So far all have been Pfizer. Don't seem to know anyone within my circle who received the Moderna.

    Spoke with an MD last week. Strike one: I'm just under the age of 65. Strike two: I'm not an EMT, health care worker, or frontline hero on the fryer at McDonalds etc. Strike 3 for my area: I'm non essential with the wrong skin tone.
    Spoken to me in earnest.

    If I don't die before late June, July, or August, I'll get my turn. Don't mean to sound racist but what is white privledge again? Nearly 6 1/2 decades (on this planet) and I don't think I've seen it down here in the trenches.

    Just sign me as, "Fed up and getting more frustrated in Cook County"
    Last edited by JB White; 03-02-2021 at 05:55.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  2. #12


    My wife goes for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes. She was able to get this one a month sooner than any other.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West of Fresno, CA


    14 hours after second moderna shot, I got severe chills and shook to the point i was laughing about it. I took 2 ibuprofen and 2 aspirin and went to bed. I was fine an hour later but had an annoying headache for 2 days. Chills seem to be the typical reaction among folks I know.

  4. #14


    Haven't seen that dog in a while. The best that we can expect from this is, a bunch of young kids are intrigued with the whole virus thing and go on to become scientists.
    Last edited by dryheat; 03-22-2021 at 12:30.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  5. #15


    Lady friend of mind, among those who had the headache reaction on the first shot, just received a second shot on Thursday. Missed work on Friday. Suffered flu symptoms through Saturday. Severe body aches, vomiting etc into Sunday. No fever though.
    This was the Pfizer version for the record.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ottawa, Canada


    We are booked to get our first shots on the weekend but have no idea what vaccine will be used.

    Rollout of the vaccine in Canada has been totally chaotic because although our government contracted for an incredible 11 shots per capita, they did not or were not able to negotiate early delivery dates. At this point there are no producers in the country of any of the approved vaccines so we are totally in the hands of other countries. (This is definitely going to change; lesson learned). AstraZeneca is producing in the USA and has over 7 million doses stockpiled that can't be used because it's not yet approved by the FDA and until yesterday they were prohibited from shipping it abroad. Fortuately Mr Biden approved a program under which Canada will get 1.5 million doses and Mexico will get 2.5 million on the (reasonable) basis that we will pay them back in a few months when our contracted doses are produced.

    Going back to the original issue though, I have not heard of anybody here who has had a bad reaction and am hopeful that we won't. I am also hopeful that we don't get the AstraZenecka since it appears not to be as effective as Pfizer or Moderna.

    A final comment. In about 8 months, I think that we are going to be up to our knees in vaccine that we have ordered and won't need. Knowing our Prime Minister, we will probably give it away at no charge to some politically correct recipients in the poor Third World (you know, the ones where the dictator/ president has billions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts)

  7. #17
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    After I received my seccond shot of Moderna I felt listless for a day, nothing after that. My wife had mild flu like symptoms for three days after her
    second Moderna shot. Three people I know died from covid 19. All appeared to be in good health and were in the 60 to 70 age group. My 55 year old
    son-in-law had covid 19 and was very sick, but did not require hospitalization, for two weeks. My 75 year old friend had covid and was in the hospital
    for 5 days. Skip the immunization if you want to. Ride a motorcycle without a helmet if you want to. It still a mostly free country.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    Herschel, you're right on point.

    I had covid over Thanksgiving and I was really sick for two weeks and didn't get completely over it for a month. This was not the way I wanted to lose ten pounds. This disease is no joke. People compare this to the flu but the worst case of the flue I ever had was a sniffle compared to my case of covid.

    I'm getting my second Moderna shot on Friday and the possibility of spending a day or two in bed is well worth it to me.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    North Central Texas


    First shot of Moderna caused slight temperature intermittently that night but not enough to be a problem. Next day was sore arm. Next day all was back to normal.
    Second shot caused no side effects that I could notice.

  10. Default

    Art, it would have been interesting to note your antibody titer after your infection with COVID and to compare that value with the title after vaccination. Not that I would want you to be a guinea pig!

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