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Thread: Sight black

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Sight black

    Full circle. Started with a small carbide lamp in boot camp and then graduated to the Ray-Vin, got lazy and went to Birchwood casey. Now as age has taken a toll on the eyesight have gone back to large carbide lamp to blacken sights and put additional light on the target.

    Sight black..jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    you left out the wad of masking tape or the plastic spoon/fork/knife with a burnt end,

    be careful with the canned stuff, it will leave a buildup

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Left out many options, just a thread starter and hopefully folks such as yourself will continue. Rgr on the sight black buildup. I always remove all after a range outing and re-apply for the next time.
    Very interesting how many people on other forums never heard of using sight blackening to raise scores. We are dating ourselves again.

  4. #4
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    well honestly, how many use Iron's any more?

    Service Rifle has good to scopes,

    I have a couple of those old aluminum lighters,, that get all corroded and funky when you need one

    never did graduate to the Ray Vin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    well honestly, how many use Iron's any more?

    Service Rifle has good to scopes,

    I have a couple of those old aluminum lighters,, that get all corroded and funky when you need one

    never did graduate to the Ray Vin

    I think there are a lot of us that still , at least try, to use iron sights. With my 03s and Krags I still do a fairly decent job on paper. Optics do make the day though. One of my favorite rifles is an 03-A4 reproduction with a 2 or 2.5x scope.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    . . . .I have a couple of those old aluminum lighters,, that get all corroded and funky when you need one . . . .
    That’s why I grease the threads of those old carbide “flame throwers.”

    Yeah . . .I still use them.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nf1e View Post
    I think there are a lot of us that still , at least try, to use iron sights. With my 03s and Krags I still do a fairly decent job on paper. Optics do make the day though. One of my favorite rifles is an 03-A4 reproduction with a 2 or 2.5x scope.

    I still shoot better with irons than a scope,

    I know that is odd, but my AR A2 is what I am used to, even if that front sight post is a bit too fuzzy (need to update my shooting glasses)

    I don't shoot enough anymore to get used to the scope on another I built, but I will have to eventually

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    I shoot a few times a week on the range in my yard so I get plenty of practice with optics. Still try the irons often and remember why I started using scopes.

  9. Default

    I use some of those cheap throw away birthday cake candles.
    The type that you get 20 or so in a box.
    In my shop, I keep a wooden dowel mashed up on one end that sits in a small tub of kerosene.
    That one comes in handy for in-letting, smoking parts for fitting and all that sort of thing.
    Throws a nice black smudge once lit.

  10. #10


    Anyone remember "Gun Smoke", still got mine. Jus the problem is finding the calcium carbine for using it.

    Was head to Camp Perry and stopped in Vermillion, Ohio hardware store, where I asked the owner if he had the CaCo3.

    He reaches under the counter pulled out a quart can , complete with a 1/2" layer of dust sitting on the lid!!

    I looked at him and quipped "strong seller, eh"?

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