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Thread: Who do you miss?

  1. #1

    Default Who do you miss?

    Red has been run off. Clintonhater retreated, or stood his ground. Whichever. A lot of old guys have died. A lot of folks can't tolerate arguments. 'course, when the net first came around it was arguments in abundance. Now it is required to be kinda nice. I remember the old guy from Texas. I remember pi**ing off a guy here who emailed me(I don't want emails). I remember when Togor first showed up. There's probably a ton of stuff that I can't remember that I wish I could. Humphrey, Boggs, Lyman, Rg, Art, forgive me if I can't recount all. It's been what, going on twenty years? I'm going to be 70 in a couple of months so I think more in the past. I'm pretty heathy so I expect to be "cute" for a few more years. When I get to be eighty I might get silly.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Over my close to 70 years I miss many things and am left with this to ponder:
    Today's politics is like going to a three ring circus and asking one self, "I paid good cash money to see this?"

  3. #3


    Always liked what Jim Tarlton had to say.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South West VA


    I miss Gunner. Looks like he hasn't been on here since 2012. He was/is an officer in the Bundeswehr, we exchanged emails for several years, particularly at Christmas.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    just a minor point,

    RED was not run off, he should be off his vacation and has to follow the rules, like everyone else,

    I think Clinton hater is on a sabbatical, he mentioned such to me not that long ago,
    Allen dropped out completely, hope he is ok

    I miss a lot of the guys that posted in the technical side,

    Goo, (RIP)
    Terry in Victoria (I think that was his name, he always posted Enfields on a stool in his yard)

    Herschel, Hip's Ax, and some others seem to pop in now and again,, but were much more active in the 22 section than now (but then again, the 22 market has plummeted in recent years)

    peoples interests change,, folks pass, and others get run off by some stupidity that went unchecked,

    - - - Updated - - -

    btw, I'm going to move this to the guntalk section ,

    since some of the old guys seem to avoid the political area

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I miss 'Ol Clyde (OFC) from Texas and Goo who called a spade a spade (he probably wouldn't stand for the crap going on now (on this website) fook'em!
    Last edited by Major Tom; 02-02-2021 at 06:49.

  7. #7


    Yup, Clyde he was the Texan. Ken the Kanuck was always a good read.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  8. #8


    I miss Gus Fisher and Bob Seijas . . .

    I’m thinking they left because of all the rancor and possibly the juvenile questions asked.

    Can’t say as I blame them . . . .

    When I read some of these questions, I’m glad I’m NOT on the range with them!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    central Arkansas


    Gus Fisher, John Kepler, and a long list of shooters, are among those whom I miss.
    The constant rancor here that is tolerated has run off many good folks. I honestly find it odd that such leftists are allowed access.


  10. #10


    Clintonhater is not coming back. He wrote and told me he quit when Togor, one of the xxxxxxxx was made a Moderator. I miss him because he had guts and wasn't afraid to say what he thought.

    The 2 guys I miss the most are John R. and Goo. John R. had lived a life of incredible adventure and I loved reading his posts. Goo was in a league of his own. He wrote things that most of us agreed with but were afraid to say. He also had a fabulous sense of humor. He would not be allowed on this forum under the rules that now apply.

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