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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    if she charged you a quarter a post, the site would be paid up for decades,,,,,
    My posts help keep the forum active...and if you check, my posts get a lot of lookers and replies. They help keep the forum active.. What's wrong with that.. .
    Last edited by rayg; 10-21-2020 at 04:04.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post

    $250 to take over the site?? as in full control?
    I had thought many times about contacting Pat to ask about buying her out but figured she wouldn't sell. Many of you probably thought the same way. Now, it looks like the site is available.

    Everytime I thought about it though I realized I didn't particularly want the headaches and don't have the resources available to deal with hackers/site crashes and such.

    The whole purpose for me to buy would be to preserve the major's legacy but what if I sudenly died or became too sick to carry on? My son and daughter would probably have no interest in continuing on. That being the case if this forum is owned by just one person and something happens to him/her then everything is lost.

    My thoughts are that 2--5 of us should offer to buy this site. If something were to happen to one the others could continue and possibly replace him/her (like a board of directors). Meanwhile, the cost and problems would be shared and decided upon where just one person wouldn't have total say-so.

    For right now, time is short, we have a gun rights election facing us and Pat needs the money right now but perhaps this "new ownership" is something to think about in the upcoming year.

    Regardless of who wins the election more political emphasis is going to occur here. With new ownership the bickering could come an end once and for all.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by clintonhater View Post
    I'll pledge $100 out of my meager SS check to see Togor BANNED. Risky, since since this snake can no doubt figure out a way to sneak back in under a pseudonym.
    if we really wanted to raise money we could ban him and then charge other members a fine every time they mention his name.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Funny how donations turned into Lord of the Flies.
    "The first gun that was fired at Fort Sumter sounded the death-knell of slavery. They who fired it were the greatest practical abolitionists this nation has produced." ~BG D. Ullman

  5. #25
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    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    Quote Originally Posted by rayg View Post
    My posts help keep the forum active...and if you check, my posts get a lot of lookers and replies. They help keep the forum active.. What's wrong with that.. .
    wasn't criticism ray, it's called a JOKE

  6. Default

    perhaps as suggested in the OP that we let it just die.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by free1954 View Post
    perhaps as suggested in the OP that we let it just die.
    Is that really what you want though?

    With new ownership and changes made this forum could be made "great again" not that Pat hasn't tried and we appreciate her efforts on keeping this forum up despite all the negativity intruders.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    wasn't criticism ray, it's called a JOKE
    NEVER makes jokes on any internet forum--they will ALWAYS be misunderstood!

    However, my offer of $100 to be rid of our chief antagonist was no joke.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    wasn't criticism ray, it's called a JOKE
    Got it now.. Lol..

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by free1954 View Post
    perhaps as suggested in the OP that we let it just die.
    That's one way of sparing ourselves the taunts of Biden's chief advocate, who could then devote himself full-time to supporting the Dems.

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