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Thread: A beast of a snake! 18.9ft python captured in canal in Florida Everglades

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default A beast of a snake! 18.9ft python captured in canal in Florida Everglades

    Trappers capture state record 18.9ft Burmese python from canal in Florida Everglades from waist-deep canal in Florida Everglades

    Python hunters Ryan Ausburn and Kevin Pavlidis caught snake on Friday
    The 18.9ft-long Burmese python is longest ever caught on record in Florida
    They removed snake from L-28 Tieback Canal in the Florida Everglades

    Dramatic video shows them wrestling with the animal to get it under control

    Florida has worked to remove Burmese pythons from Everglades wetlands

  2. Default

    Another invasive species that cannot be eliminated. Even modest control is most unlikely. These snakes are eliminating most animals in the everglades.

    There was a movie scene years ago with .iirc ,Tom Berenger. He was on an Amazonian river, a big snake lifted up from the water and then he was gone.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SUPERX-M1 View Post
    Another invasive species that cannot be eliminated.
    But at least THIS invasive species won't be put on the dole when it crosses our border, provided with food, housing, & medical care! In fact, their skins bring good money.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by clintonhater View Post
    But at least THIS invasive species won't be put on the dole when it crosses our border, provided with food, housing, & medical care! In fact, their skins bring good money.
    Too bad we can't use the snakes to control the other invasive species.

    You don't want to get bit by one either. Though non-venomous they have many curved teeth that won't let go.
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  5. Default

    Something that big needs immediate killing.

    Florida has other snake problems well kept under the radar: Cobra, Russel Pit vipers, Fer De Lance etc etc and a few other nasty snakes. All are escaped snakes from all those tourist snake farms Hurricane Andrew blew away.

    Now one can argue black snakes are good and I hear ya but when i see a snake, I kill it and thats always worked just fine for me. Ain't nothing I do is going to change the balance of nature but I can do a lot to make my part of the planet safer.

  6. Default

    US military was concerned with snakes in Vietnam so they sent teams out to collect and classify serpents. Ultimately, most of the snake bites and fatalities were within these teams, not with the troops. Many are bitten trying to capture, handle or kill snakes. So, be careful out there.

    My Grandfather found rattlesnakes around an old barn,in ne ohio, that he was tearing down. Not a common occurrence, but there they were. I saw a red, black, yellow banded snake in old stone foundations. It was prob a king snake, but could have been a coral snake. Gotta be careful. Don't forget about spiders.

    I have seen a few copperheads . When young, and walking in woods, I bent down to pick up an unusual stick. Well, it was a big Ohio black snake- not poisonous. Actually, the correct term is venomous . The West and South have plenty of snakes and encounters.
    Last edited by SUPERX-M1; 10-12-2020 at 05:11.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by SUPERX-M1 View Post
    My Grandfather found rattlesnakes around an old barn,in ne ohio, that he was tearing down. Not a common occurrence, but there they were. I saw a red, black, yellow banded snake in old stone foundations. It was prob a king snake, but could have been a coral snake. Gotta be careful.
    "Red and black, friend of Jack; Red and Yellow, kill a fellow."


  8. Default

    While visiting in Florida several years ago I had opportunity to cruise some back roads & saw a multitude of snakes. They like to lie across the dirt roads not moving, defying you to run them over ... so I did. Drive slowly & make sure the full weight of the car briefly dwells on them & I doubt they survive the night, especially when leaking blood & guts. Didn't put a dent in the population, but impacted a few.

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