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Thread: Books on B-17s

  1. #41
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    I'll allow you may know more about loading than many here on Jouster, except for possibly shoulder set back, but you should recognize that on the scene experts dealing with the situation, under stress, knew more than an arm chair quarter back analysis more than a hundred years later.
    Last edited by PWC; 08-23-2020 at 02:52.

  2. Default

    I'll allow you may know more about loading than many here on Jouster, except for possibly shoulder set back
    Shoulder set back:

    I am the only one that says it is impossible to move the shoulder back with a die that has case body support. I am told it is possible; problem, no one can tell me how.

    I have scribed cases at the shoulder case body juncture; problem, I can not find a reloader that understands what that means.

    I am the only reloader that can move the shoulder back but I can not move the shoulder back with a sizing die that has case body.

    F. Guffey

  3. #43
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    S.A. Boggs - Sam, what's the medical term for "I'm right and everyone else is wrong"?

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    S.A. Boggs - Sam, what's the medical term for "I'm right and everyone else is wrong"?
    I can not move the shoulder of a case back when sizing a case with a die that has full body support. I can not bump a shoulder back, I understand it sounds cool, I am not trying to be cool I am trying to be honest.

    Back to the big ships, nothing changed the moment the Titanic hit the iceberg, if the Captain stops thinking and does nothing there is a big chance the ship will be lost. John Paul Jones was given a ship that was sinking and he knew it was going to sink. He did not have any alligators but he did have some big guns; when they fired them the big guns cleared his deck and killed the gun crews. John Paul Jones keep on shipping.

    He tied his shop to a beautiful British ship, the captain of the British ship begged his snipers not to shoot John Paul Jones, the British Commander knew the Bonomi Richard was going to sink, he also knew if the Richard sank there would be no place to stand so he surrendered to John Paul Jones; and that made John Paul Jones happy.

    F. Guffey
    Last edited by fguffey; 08-26-2020 at 12:40.

  5. #45
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    PWC, you can’t win a discussion with someone who was present when the universe was created...

    John in SC
    “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOHN COOK View Post
    PWC, you can’t win a discussion with someone who was present when the universe was created...

    John in SC
    I won't elevate anyone to that level. I'm not trying to win an argument, and I hope this string doesn't come across that way.

    We started out discussing books on the B-17's and other classic WWII aircraft, then unsubstantiatable claims for one specific type, then the Titanic sinking, and expressed opinions of a reloader extrodinaire and unrecognized marine engineer. Although having been accused of trying to get the last word, I'm not, but thanks for the warning.

  7. #47
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    I apologize, I didn’t use the correct words in my attempt to say that Mr. Guffey knows everything and he will tell you so.

    John in SC
    “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)

  8. Default

    I apologize, I didn’t use the correct words in my attempt to say that Mr. Guffey knows everything and he will tell you so.

    John in SC
    Thank you, In the beginning I said the case does not have head space; the chamber has head space. What did I know that no one else knew? SAAMI said the case did not have head space. They omitted case head space in their drawings. It was not me that allowed this stuff to get out of control, we had a member that was embarrassed because he had a lot of gigs of space used up declaring case head space. It was not my job to tell him he was wrong but it becomes confusing for new reloaders when they discover the case does not have head space. I had nothing to do with him calling SAAMI, after that he told members what SAAMI said. I did not believe him, and then all of the problems started, his friends started making excuses for him and now he is the final word in reloading.

    So I questioned the answers, it was embarrassing for the Navy when they realized they did not know where John Paul Jones was buried, they did not know where his memorial was, they did not know where his statue was, or his plaque or name on a head stone. He left, he went to a place where he was appreciated. They buried him with honors; in a lead casket.

    F. Guffey

  9. Default

    It is one thing to say you can move the shoulder back and claim you are a bumper; like 'I bump the shoulder back'. It is something else to understand it can not be done. Not my fault.

    I am not in the habit of jumping out into the fast lane; those that are stand a good chance of missing 2nd gear or be a little short on horsepower. I have never asked anyone to help me gang up on another member.

    F. Guffey

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