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Thread: Japanese public feels they were the victims in ww2,feel no remorse or shame

  1. Default Japanese public feels they were the victims in ww2,feel no remorse or shame

    over what transpired in ww2. They invaded countries, raped, tortured, killed prisoners,slavery, forced sex slaves... And now, they feel no shame over the past,and have no interest in the past. We, the Japanese, were the victims, we suffered, the past is past , move on. They rewrite history , very little is written about Japanese ww2 actions and responsibility for the war and how troops and leaders behaved. The Germans, apparently recognize what was done in the past by Germany. I have heard that there are neo- Nazi in Germany and anti-semitism is increasing,however.

    A woman's son was dating an asian and I commented that Asian women, as a whole, seemed very nice. She said, that was then, this is now. The culture is different now. They are very materialistic and self centered.Amer-Asians are now immersed in American culture, and behave as badly as any other American does.

    The Japanese surrendered not because of the atomic bomb ( There was nothing left to bomb) but because the Russians were coming and very close. They had planned to negotiate until they had very favorable terms, only then would they surrender.
    The above is my take on what I have read. Correct me or inform me as you will.

    Edit: Just read on Quora that the Japanese Navy in 1943, issued direct order to kill all survivors of ships. Most subs and surface ships had been doing just that. Aircrew and ship survivors were shot, machine gunned, tortured, beheaded, killed with hammers... Naturally, there were no survivors to tell tales. Estimated 20000 Brits and Aussies were murdered in this way. Only one naval captain was prosecuted. The Japanese-such an ancient and civilized race. The Germans were quite murderous to races they were not partial to. The Japanese were murderous to all non-Japanese.

    Met a crazy red head once;She had a thing for japanese men from Japan. Each to his or her own. I have known a few Americans of Japanese descent; Very nice people , as almost all would be.WW2, was a long time ago. Current populations cannot be blamed for the past. And, I do not.
    Last edited by SUPERX-M1; 08-09-2020 at 11:44.

  2. #2
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    Germans were put through denazification. How long reprogramming a country works, I dont know.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Germans were put through denazification. How long reprogramming a country works, I dont know.

    Last edited by Roadkingtrax; 08-07-2020 at 05:24.
    "The first gun that was fired at Fort Sumter sounded the death-knell of slavery. They who fired it were the greatest practical abolitionists this nation has produced." ~BG D. Ullman

  3. #3


    WEST Germans were. In the east, not so.

    The communists saw no upside in educating the populace about the liberal pillars of democracy, individual liberty, individual rights. Swap one state apparatus out for another.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The bomb got the Soviets moving, which got the Emperor moving. Even without the bombs being dropped, it's astonishing that the Japanese thought there was some advantage in holding out against unconditional surrender. Their navy was shattered, their economy in ruins. Yes their army was willing to die, but there was no answer against American firepower. And this, before the A-bomb.

  4. Default

    In East Germany they blamed the Third Reich on fascism and militarism and of course Socialism eradicated those evils in the East while the West adhered to them.
    In Iran at present something like 70% of the population has been born since the ouster of the Shah, trying to use him as the bogeyman, the source of their misfortune, so many ask, who was he ? They didn't experience him, all they know is what they see around them.
    Don't know if they ever had a "stab in the back" legend in Japan and as in all dictatorships the Japanese people were incredibly misinformed by their government about the war. When it was announced that Hirohito would address his people in the "Jewel Voice Broadcast" they were stunned by it, and of course they knew nothing about the Potsdam Declaration.
    And the populations who live under dictators and tyrants usually claim they were victims too. The sudden collapse of the Ceaucescu regime in the Romanian Revolution of 1989, people say it was so easy to bring him down, why didn't they do something sooner ?

  5. #5


    Warsaw pact governments fell when it was clear the Soviets wouldn't prop them up.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2009


    Little Boy and the Fat Man were the one and only reason the Japanese got off their backside and down on their knees to surrender. True, we only had one spare A-bomb, but truth is, there were not a lot of decent targets left... except of course good ole Tokyo. Plop that third little bit of snap crackle and pop on top of the imperial palace and the sun would have set on the empire of the sun. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I do not feel any remorse or sorry for the Japs then or now! They got less than they deserved in 1945. Previous fire bombing killed as many if not more than the 2 A-bombs. Tokyo should have been the first target for the A-bomb. Letting Hirohito off the hang mans noose was a mistake.

  8. #8


    The Japanese people are victims of government orchestrated revisionist history. They were lied to throughout the war. To maintain face they were lied to after the war. No small wonder they feel as they do today.
    Pearl Harbor. Sometimes there are more Japanese tourists than Americans it seems. You can bet they don't leave there with the same impressions as we do.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  9. Default

    Nobody has to feel shame or take responsibility for what they had no control over or happened before they were born. And history is more interesting the more accurately and objectively it is described and depicted. Those West African countries, yes they'll admit, the slave trade WAS a trade, their ancestors traded their captives, their trash and troublemakers for the goods they wanted and could not produce themselves. The French have acknowledged that 90% of Frenchmen had a "wait and see " attitude during the Occupation, active collaborators maybe 5%, active resistants maybe 5%-the French refer to "resistants of August 32", there was a lot of resume embellishing after the Liberation. There was widespread resistance to the Confederacy, resentment by poor whites of the "20 Negro" law-" a rich man's war and a poor man's fight". Don't know what the school curriculum is like in Japan, and I suspect for the older age groups the war years were a nightmare they tried to put behind them. In Germany Nazi regalia, uniforms, etc. became very rare very quickly-converted into civilian clothes and cleaning rags.
    The LSTs that landed MacArthur's troops at Inchon were manned by Japanese crews. They had been sold to the Japanese as fishing vessels, the crews were told, if anyone asks, you are Koreans.
    Last edited by blackhawknj; 08-08-2020 at 09:13.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by blackhawknj View Post
    The LSTs that landed MacArthur's troops at Inchon were manned by Japanese crews. They had been sold to the Japanese as fishing vessels, the crews were told, if anyone asks, you are Koreans.
    I had never heard that before! Definitely worth repeating. May I please ask where you came across that interesting tidbit?
    Not doubting you at your word. Only for the sake of a reference when someone asks me, as "I read it on an internet forum" doesn't carry much weight amongst my crowd.
    Absolutely no disrespect intended. Everything else you said I was already aware of. Thinking.... I wouldn't recall where I might have learned that before. So, if I threw you under the bus in that regard, you have my most humble apologies in advance.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

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