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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default The American Legion

    What in the Hell has happened to the American Legion? I have a lady friend that is a widow whose husband died 3 or 4 years ago. We were high school friends in 1963 and got back in touch this spring. In any event she just got a packet addressed to her dead husband from the American Legion. The really strange thing is her husband was a avowed draft dodger back then and never served a day in any of the services.

    The Certificate reads:

    Upon meeting the requirements set forth by... THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES... ROY ***** shall be accepted for membership in THE AMERICAN LEGION
    Some how that aggravates me. This draft dodger would get as much attention and benefits as me and I had 6 years of continuous active duty. Apparently the American Legion cares more about the $25 membership fee than what they can do for veterans.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Aberdeen, Maryland


    Somewhere along the line, somebody made a big mistake!

  3. #3


    That sounds like the NRA. Begging for more money while Wayne and others make a Million a year plus other benefits.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I was briefly a member of the local American Legion. It took them several months to send me a membership card after several reminders. The meeting place is just a tavern with little business. The head guy was never there. I quit!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Tuna you are correct. I lost my Life Member Ship card, called 3 times and never could get a human. I also signed up for Digital American Rifleman and for some reason they cut me off.... I finally gave up. Screw them.....

    John in SC
    “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by JOHN COOK View Post
    Tuna you are correct. I lost my Life Member Ship card, called 3 times and never could get a human. I also signed up for Digital American Rifleman and for some reason they cut me off.... I finally gave up. Screw them.....

    John in SC
    John like you all my efforts to contact the NRA for whatever were in vain... until I contacted them to say I resigned because I felt they were using my membership as pro Trump.

    Wow... they contacted me right away ... email and phone.... to inform me "there would be no dues reimbursement" . And the on the phone was not pleasant about it.

    That and the NRAs " Special Projects " trips to Russia . {remember Maria Butina ?} .... and I'll never go back to the NRA .

    And Red, your thread is spot on.... it ain't about us.... it's about finances
    Last edited by Sandpebble; 07-20-2020 at 02:57.

  7. Default NRA, salaries, clubs, progressive democratic socialism

    A few have said that the elks club, am legion were drinking clubs. I would not know. And, is that so bad, if true? Edit: Thought about it and they can be bad for some individuals, some families,sometimes for society, but are probably good in the whole. It is the drinking to excess that is bad. I had an in law uncle.......

    Most or all of these big org have million dollar salaries with benefits. Big companies have huge salaries . Have heard that europe, asia , salaries not so inflated. Charities have huge collection costs, most of money does not go to benefit any but the charity organizeation. When I was young, March of Dimes would pressure us, thru the school teacher, to contribute.

    NRA and the legislative branch do seem to be valuable for gun rights. If not there, then what would happen?

    Recently, requested a replacement card- life member- digital request. Sent it out within

    a month.

    Asked via phone for a sample copy of am hunter, and the 2nd amendment one. Said could not, not set up for. I could cancel current Am Rifleman, and try different tho. Then , got a pro gun speech, upgrade my membership, donate, my will. Well, they do need money to keep their system going. It seems rather corrupt, so is politics, but we need systems, and that is how it is. We do not have a true democracy, and our system is not very fair. Nordic countries have progressive democratic socialism which combine capitalism and socialism. People seem to hate the very concept, despite the fact that our system is not very good. Perhaps, they think we will become like Russia, and China. How close are we right now? Trump would like to be a dictator, I think . Anyway, just random musings. Dont get bent out of shape, please. Just my general opinion of some issues.p

    Many have said that the reviews and articles are pay to play. Therefore Wilson, Kimber etc.,expensive guns.Most gun mags are doing that. Supposedly the ethical mags, if gun is very bad, they dont review it .
    Last edited by SUPERX-M1; 07-22-2020 at 02:39.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    as far as Drinking Clubs,

    I think most have a bar, or at minimum a fridge of beer in them,

    Dad used to work some in the Shenandoah Valley, and back then the entire valley rolled up it's doors at 5pm,

    if you wanted a drink, you joined the Moose Lodge,

  9. Default

    If you want a real shock look up the salaries of the higher level of the NRA. As to the AL that letter she rec. that said her husband could join was a mistake, if he was never in the service. Here in VA you have to show a copy of your DD214. As to drinking some have bars some do not, mine doesn't. When I am over by Harpers Ferry I go to the AL hall there, great snack bar, friendly people and cold beer on tap if you drink.

  10. #10


    My AL post is all but belly up. The SAL squadron is being given last rites and the auxiliary died a few years ago. This Covid thing accelerated the process. Post cmdr went missing and the adjutant moved away. No dues renewals accepted at HQ in Indianapolis.
    We surrendered the post rifles last month.
    My VFW is life membership. My AL wasn't pufl and I paid 5 years at a time. That has expired. When the AL post reopens (Covid again) near my Moose lodge then I will look into paying up and transferring my membership there.

    Moose. While some indeed do treat it as a tavern, others are working hard at the mission statement. Personally, I visit Mooseheart a minimum of 4 times a year.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

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