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Thread: 6.5 Creedmoor brass observation.

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    you did not state what the changes were if any after firing
    I thought the cases were magnificent in appearance, I was on the third round of shooting before I was told the cases had a recall notice. The recall notice was for the complete year.

    I did not need the cases so I moved the cases to the collectable drawer. After that I included the cases from the next year just in case they missed something. They did not want to miss any mistakes so they recalled the complete year.

    I have been asked to clean out shops that belonged to friends that knew they did not have long to live. One of them had a good supply of the recalled cases, I added them to my collectable drawer. Again, the cases were magnificent looking cases after they were run through a tumbler.

    F. Guffey

  2. Default

    you did not state what the changes were if any after firing
    I assume reloaders understand when cases are annealed the outcome is predictable. My cases did expand when fired; I should not have to explain to a reloader when the case head does not expand when fired the case head is not soft.

    When the annealing process leaves the case heads too hard the chances of case head failure increases. I want my case heads to expand; the one thing I can not get a reloader to agree with is 'by how much'. If my cases heads expand I know they are not brittle/too hard. (back to how much?)

    Ever time the subject comes up reloaders want to tell me every thing they know about reloading.

    And that reminds me of Marcus Fabian Quintillion; his students called him 'the Mighty Quin'. He would have been an outstanding INTERNET reloader.

    F. Guffey
    Last edited by fguffey; 06-03-2020 at 09:31.

  3. Default

    Marcus Fabian Quintillion
    One of the first paid teachers by the Romans. And for those that wonder Marcus was Greek.

    I give Marcus credit for the Greek joke; ISO,ISO and "I am Thor!".

    F. Guffey
    Last edited by fguffey; 06-03-2020 at 09:40. Reason: add !

  4. Default

    Marcus was ahead of his time by 2000 years +. He was a teacher of rhetoric. He would have been one of the greatest reloaders the world has ever know. A teacher of rhetoric did not have to know anything about what he was teaching, his job was to convince others he did.

    F. Guffey

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