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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    myerstown pa

    Default Is the dummy for real

    The heel spur hero has called for testing injections of UV rays and Disinfectants to kill Coronavirus....He is just digging his grave deeper....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Blog Entries


    Forging his chain.

    “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?” C. Dickens.
    "The first gun that was fired at Fort Sumter sounded the death-knell of slavery. They who fired it were the greatest practical abolitionists this nation has produced." ~BG D. Ullman

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    I'd like a cite on that.

    I did see in the press conference today information, not surprising, that summer is almost surely going to be real bad for the corona virus. Research was presented today at the daily pandemic presser (yes real scientific research) that hot humid weather is real bad for the corona virus. Not a surprise since it is a relative of the common cold virus and cold and flu virus tend to die out in hot weather which is why we have a cold and flu season and that season is fall and winter. The scientist being interviewed also said that UV light is real bad for this virus in conjunction with the above mentioned hot humid weather....

  4. #4


    It has been hot in some parts of the world for some time now. Yet the virus continues to give trouble.

    It has been described as an indoor disease. In those places where it's person to person contact, indoors, in air conditioning, the season may make little difference. For example, in any factory or food plant.

    As for Trump, the attitude is that if he finally hits on a miracle treatment, no one will care how many duds he hawked first. "Always Be Selling".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    The fact is right now the corona virus is retreating. Spain, one of the hottest hot spots has seen a 10,000 bed decline in cases. Italy is talking about opening up Lombardy which is its hottest hot spot. New York Metro is seeing a real drop in cases and fatalities and those trends seem to be the rule rather than the exception. The hottest parts of the world, by and large have the fewest cases. I will admit that most of the countries in the hottest areas temperature wise have very poor reporting so its a bit hard to tell. I do find it a bit incredible that India only has had 721 deaths and Myanmar only 5 but reporting there is not what it is in the Netherlands. then there are places like Iran and China along with (probably) Russia who are flat out lying.

    We're barely a month into Spring. Lets see what happens over the next few months. The real problem is how prepared and what we'll have learned if this pops back up in November or December...what will we have learned?

    If you're really interested in numbers, you can check daily on this stuff on Real Clear Politics which has a count on every country in the world and the NY times which graphs deaths and new cases in every state updated every day.
    Last edited by Art; 04-23-2020 at 07:55.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Art View Post
    The real problem is how prepared and what we'll have learned if this pops back up in November or December...what will we have learned?
    What I doubt we will have learned is the risk of depending upon foreign sources for crucial emergency supplies--such as masks & the critical chemical needed to make the virus test, & hundreds of other necessities. But it's irrational to blame those "foreign sources" for accepting orders from greedy US manufacturers looking all over the world for the lowest costs; it isn't the Chinks who have let us down (though they are our mortal enemies), it's our own domestic industries.

  7. #7


    -it isn't the Chinks who have let us down (though they are our mortal enemies), it's our own domestic industries.- So, you can't trust anybody. Not your own domestic industries or even your mortal enemies. Saints preserve us.
    -The heel spur hero has called for testing injections of UV rays and Disinfectants to kill Coronavirus.- Uh,huh. That might be something you saw in Sci-fi in 1952. Injections of UV rays. Wow, just wow.
    “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?” C. Dickens.
    I can't deride Dickens but I don't think Trump recommended injecting UV rays. Trump is guilty of saying some goofy stuff. At this point, I wonder about some of these numbers. Hey, you want a crazy theory? You know you do. -there might be various versions of the virus(I'm going to write that down). The Asian part(la,CA) is a little weaker. The European version(NY) is way stronger. Here's a tip: Winter is coming.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    We are all at fault on this virus, not just any leaders. Americans have basically become a lazy, demanding child over the last 70 years forgetting the lessons of the past. Looking for the cheapest of anything, it's the other's fault, not me, and so on. Now some have paid for this attitude with their life other's with their fortune. More ill wind is to come our way unless we change our nation's ways and that starts with us.
    What are you going to do to make the situation better or just pass the buck as usual?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hillsville Va.


    If UV rays kill this virus, will UV lights placed in work areas help eliminate the spread of the virus?

  10. #10


    Boggs I read your post as a critique of those who would wish this virus and the restrictions away, because they are not easy burdens to bear. If that's your angle then I agree with you. If you had something else in mind then I don't follow you.

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