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Thread: Save the Post Office

  1. #11



  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Gun Smoke View Post
    Save the PO. Get rid of the UN, foreign aid, welfare, obamacare, WHO, and countless, worthless pork barrel bottomless pits.
    Yes, of course! But the chief enemies in Congress of fully supporting USPS have for many yrs been Repub "free-enterprise" fanatics who'd like to see mail delivery totally privatized--turned over to UPS & FedEx, in other words. Mail delivery in every other civilized country is & has always been regarded as a basic public service--like police & fire protection; should they, too, have to be self-supporting?

    All the small, rural, one-room, POs around here have already been forced to half-day operation--that or be shut-down entirely! Those of you who live in cities (ugh!) cannot begin to appreciate the importance of "their" PO to country folk--they function (even with reduced hours) as the community centers of villages too small to have any other.

  3. #13


    Very well put as usual. It's part of what makes America and any other country Great. Maybe it's not efficient, but it's nice anyway. Missed you.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    In our little village the general store is that along with being the P.O., restaurant and many other things. The mail itself is delivered from the P.O. @ the county seat.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Ettene Bergeron, he get out of dem Army. He say to his daddy, "I got to get me a job, me."

    His daddy say, "Try dem Post Office. Dey be hirin' dere."

    Ettene, he go to dat Post Office. He fill out all dem papers. Dey ax him all dem questions. "You got any allergies, you?"

    "Me, I'm allergic to caffeine, dat's it."

    "You been in de Service?"

    "I'm just get out of dem Army."

    "Dat's good! You get five points just for dat!"

    Den they ax him, "You got any disabilities, you?"

    "When I'm in Afghanistan, I get blowed up by dem IED and los' bot' my testicles."

    "You don't got to say no mo'! You got so many points, I hire you right now. De job is from 8 to 5. You come in at 10 every day."

    "If de job is from 8 to 5, how come I don't got to be here until 10?"

    "Dis is de Post Office. For the first two hours, we stan' aroun', drink coffee an' scratch our unmentionables. You don' got to be here for dat, no!"

  6. #16


    Hint: if a joke can't be told in standard English without losing whatever humor it holds, then there may be an issue with it. What's next? Pickaninny jokes from your youth?

  7. Default

    Eliminate funding to the the US Postal Service ? ...shame on the thought as its a wonderful public service that benefits us all

    If you believe UPS and Fedex taking over will offer a more efficient service that will save you tax dollars... you're dreaming .

    Where do we go next... privatized fire departments... privatized military ? .... some public services are just plain worth the tax expenditure ...

    that's the great part of living in an advanced nation... not "all" the benefits need to go to a corporate stock dividend

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Hint: if a joke can't be told in standard English without losing whatever humor it holds, then there may be an issue with it. What's next? Pickaninny jokes from your youth?
    What dialect of english language is that typed in?
    "The first gun that was fired at Fort Sumter sounded the death-knell of slavery. They who fired it were the greatest practical abolitionists this nation has produced." ~BG D. Ullman

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Roadkingtrax View Post
    What dialect of english language is that typed in?
    One that gets flagged to the admins.

    On the plus side, no more bigotry lectures from Vernon. So there's that to look forward to.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    Eliminate funding to the the US Postal Service ? ...shame on the thought as its a wonderful public service that benefits us all

    If you believe UPS and Fedex taking over will offer a more efficient service that will save you tax dollars... you're dreaming .
    Over the last few yrs, I found the USPS charge to ship something I was wanting to mail so exorbitant that I took the same package to UPS thinking it HAD to be less. Don't do that any more because in every case I found UPS to be even more exorbitant. But Trump is right about Amazon & all the other big shippers--they are NOT paying the same shipping prices charged ordinary postal customers. Anytime I've wanted to return something I paid $X shipping for, the cost to return it is at least $2X, often more.

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