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Thread: Going thru some old files

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Phoenix AZ area
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    Default Going thru some old files

    and I found an article from G &A from 1990 by Wiley Clapp on Home Defense Handloading. Now, before I start, I'm not interested in the legal side of self defense handloading, so let's just leave that there. Also, I'm not interested in the Max flame cutting problem. I am interested in the technical and terminal aspects.

    He uses 66 gn "pancake" wadcutters in stackable format for the 38 Spl, 357, and 357 Max, primarily the Max. There exists on another forum discussions about duplex bullet loads and they do reference this article kind of as a base point. They did talk about rechambering 357 lever actions to the Max with good results.

    The bullets he used are from a H&G #333 mold. The 38 Spl will hold 2, the 357 holds 3 and the Max holds 4. Pictures show 1"-2" spread at 10 yds and because of the flat front and light weight, it won't pass thru walls. Performance on ballistic clay left a cavity like Glasers and penetrated well past the cavity.

    So, just for grins and giggles, are there any of the early discussion folks still around, and do you still use duplex loads in your shooting?

  2. #2

    Default duplex pistol cartridges

    I have read that the US Army tested a 45 Colt duplex load back in the black powder days. Some
    years ago, I found a box of commercial 9mm duplex at a gun show and bought it - but never
    fired it. Back when the police still carried revolvers, I knew a few that carried multi lead round ball
    cartridges in every other cylinder in 38/357 cal.

    The military always had multi or duplex loadings in 45-70, 30-40 and green tip 7,62mmP1010041_0029.jpgP1010042_0030.jpg
    Last edited by RCS; 03-12-2020 at 08:34.

  3. Default

    There's a youtube video about light artillery re-enactors in TN. One guy explains canister had iron shot because it would go through several men w/o deforming, whereas lead deformed and stopped. These 'pancakes' won't penetrate the vitals I would guess. An article in Rifle on BP roundball shooting said they penetrate well. I understand the concern about going through walls but I think these might 'fail to stop' the target. A well muscled guy just out of tax subsidized weight training club might just get a bruised rib.
    Last edited by barretcreek; 05-05-2020 at 05:46.

  4. #4


    I have a 20 round box of a 38 special loading Remington used to make called "Multiball" # balls per round so a six shooter could lay out 18 projectiles
    He who beats his sword into a plowshare, will soon be plowing for somebody else!

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