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Thread: building a M1A1 carbine

  1. #1

    Default building a M1A1 carbine

    I am not a carbine collector but have collected or picked-up a lot of carbine parts
    and wood over the years. I have a nice Quality Hardware 1.6 mil carb which appears
    to be complete with QH parts and with a Underwood 7-43 dated barrel. This QH
    carbine was in a hi wood IMB stock and an advanced collector offered to buy this
    IBM stock, which I sold. Now I need a carbine stock and remembered that I had
    bought a NOS Inland IO marked M1A1 fore-end with pistol grip years ago. Also I
    had bought (really cheap) a very badly damaged M1A1 stock but the metal was
    nice. I put the M1A1 stock together using the two stocks and the QH carbine
    for my M1A1 build. Of course using a Inland would be better but its all still WW2
    period. I may sell this during the summer months and any help concerning a
    value would be appreciated.dscn3132.jpgdscn3135.jpgdscn3171.jpgdscn3170.jpg

  2. #2

    Default more M1A1 build photos

    here are some additional photos of my M1A1 carbinedscn3184.jpgdscn3168.jpgdscn3169.jpg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Great looking carbine! Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hillsville Va.


    Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5


    Your just doing what the military did post war when rebuilding carbines. What ever carbine was ready went into the stock. But the biggest value is with a correct time period Inland in the stock. The same for your QH. But anyway one looks at it as Shadycon said, an M1A1 is fun.

  6. #6


    Question, am I better to just sell the stock ? look for the correct stock for the Quality Hardware or
    just sell it as a M1A1 ?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by RCS View Post
    Question, am I better to just sell the stock ? look for the correct stock for the Quality Hardware or
    just sell it as a M1A1 ?
    I would keep the stock for now (and enjoy it) and be on the lookout for the correct stock. That way you're in no hurry to buy the first one that comes along. You can always sell the M1A1 stock later.

    Selling the stock separate will bring you more $ per item than selling the package deal.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    and keep in mind your area (region) may or may not affect pricing,
    and with respect, remember Carbine Collectors can be a bit,,,,,,, OCD,

    I sold a IBM post war rebuild M1A1, all 'real', all w/ the correct parts etc for a rebuild, and the rebuild markings, for ~$2700 last year,
    I sold a real deal Inland about the same time in the mid $3000's (wanna say $3500, but don't remember exactly to be honest, so may be +/- a couple)

    been a while since I had a QH to recall what the market was for them,

    hope that helps,

    and I'm in VA, if that matters to you (region)

  9. #9


    Thanks for all the information,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hillsville Va.


    About 8-10 yrs ago I got a basket case Inland M1A1. Stock had M2 carving that I fixed using sawdust and wood glue. After every thing was fixed and cleaned up, it worked fine. A few yrs ago I had to sell it at our big yearly flea mkt., I needed a new roof. It was mostly Inland and I got $2,500 FTF.

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