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Thread: Viet vets, how were you treated.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by Griff Murphey View Post
    Since IditarodJoe brought up LBJ I can't resist recounting his Silver Star award. Basically he rode a B-26 Marader out of New Guinea on a raid against Rabaul. It was actually a pretty hairy mission as his plane was attacked by Saburo Sakai, a top JNAF ace, fortunately for LBJ Sakai broke off his attack. So LBJ got the Silver Star, the B-26 aircrew got nothing. LBJ proudly wore that Silver Star on his lapel ever after. Here endeth the story. Take a ride, get a medal.
    Hillary Clinton will no doubt award herself the Medal of Honor, twice. Once for her story about trying to join the Marine Corps, and once for coming under sniper fire in Bosnia.

  2. #32


    When I got back home to Colorado the state couldn't do enough for me. While going to college on the G.I. bill they gave me a monthly stipend for being a vet, and another for being a Vietnam vet. My hometown buddies were treated the same. We all ended up in law enforcement with veterans preference points helping I am sure. Even when old Dolt took the SATs to get into college I'm sure I was "hussed" or given preferential treatment as a vet. Probably the only reason I could get into college.
    Read, think, UNDERSTAND, comment

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Nowadays, veterans are treated well, at least in the Red States. During the Viet Nam War, that was not the case.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    North Carolina


    The same people who were tearing our country apart in those days are doing their best to do it today. Fortunately, the country has tired of their lies and fabrications. Our man Trump is well on his way to disassembling the cocked up mess the dems have put us into. Regards, Clark

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    I got out in Oct 69. Most of the people in MN hated our guts. I went to tech school to be a draftsman as I realized in the machine shop that I would not be able to continue standing on my gammy leg when I got older as I was having a hard enough time at the ripe age of 22.
    When I graduated from tech School, I got a job and got harassed right out of it for being a baby killer in 1972.
    After that, I took it off my resume that I was ever in the army.
    I finally "crawled out of the closet of being a veteran" in about 1990.
    I did not know that the 25th Inf Div and the 3/4 Cav had their associations until about 1990. I fixed the roster for the Cav in 90 or 92 as I was one of the few who had a computer and knew how to use it. I was then appointed as Secretary of our Association. Did that for about 20 years when declining health made me give it up. Been to a lot of reunions, met 13 of my in country combat friends and made a lot of friends who were there before me and after me.
    Greatest guys on earth IMHO !!
    I moved out of MN in 05. I was in a state of shock in the difference in attitudes between all those libtards up north vs the folks in AZ when it comes to veterans. Much better here and they even honor my Tricare. I got screwed a lot of years in MN and didn't even realize it.
    Welcome home to all my fellow vets... Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.!! You all did your proud.
    A Troop 3rd Sqdn, 4th Cav, 25TH Inf Div. Nov 67 to Aug 24, 68 RVN
    Last edited by Former Cav; 05-08-2019 at 01:46.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oceanside, Ca


    Nowadays, veterans are treated well, at least in the Red States. During the Viet Nam War, that was not the case.

    IIRC, after the Gulf War, the freaking liberals began laying the ground-work to tar and feather those vets.............and ran up against Vietnam vets who swore that
    the liberals would not get away with that crap again. And they didn't.
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  7. Default

    I encountered no hostility, in college I encountered indifference, even from my ROTC instructors.

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