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Thread: final wishes

  1. #1

    Default final wishes

    As most of us old guys do, I think a lot about how I want to be remembered... what I want with my remains and what I DON"T want...

    I DO NOT want to be "taxidermied" and stuffed in a box on display.. No Viewing.. remembr me as I was upright.. period.

    So therefore, cremation is the next logical method.... cheap, easier on the family, etc..

    byt what to do with my ashes? spread them at my gun club? lots of guys have done that.. against my religion though.. muust be interred in hallowed ground..

    So oka, a Christian cemetary... but what to put the ashed in?

    I gave this a LOT of thought then it came to me.. a 50 Cal ammo can! Maybe I'll have one nickle plated and engraved.. There should be plenty of room for whats left of me and any "stuff" my family may want to bury with me..

    So what have you guys come up with?
    He who beats his sword into a plowshare, will soon be plowing for somebody else!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Simple burial with my Pastor and Church family in attendance.
    Hope no one goes up to my grave, looks down and say's "Glad that S.O.B. is gone."

  3. Default

    Opinions differ on cremation but the Lord is certainly able to put anything back together again when the time comes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ottawa, Canada


    We have purchased burial plots in the city where both of our children live and where our families are buried. We have told our children that we want simple inexpensive caskets, no embalming or any of that nonsense and no fancy funerals. No point in wasting money on something that will eventually rot away.

    Just as important, both of my daughters recently passed the two courses necessary to obtain a Canadian Possession and Acquisition Licence for both unrestricted and restricted firearms. That will allow them to take possession of my firearms without any problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Phoenix AZ area
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    Just as Bill E says...I won't be there so it really doesn't matter. Funerals are for those left behind to grieve an have the politically correct word, "closure" whatever that means. Just ne sure to leave $$ to pay for it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Houston Metro


    Cremate me and spread my ashes at sea. I wanted them taped to a LGB but I don't know anyone that can do that.
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    I've thought long and hard on the situation. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be cremated and my ashes spread in my yard (2 acres) where I live now and the yard of my home where I grew up (also 2 acres with 30 acres of farm land which I still own). As a youth I spent a lot of time outside playing in the yards. My mother often said that I knew where every blade of grass was. I feel this is more comfortable for me than being buried in a cemetery. There are scriptures in the Bible that state you shouldn't deface your body but I feel after death you turn into dust anyway over time and you aren't killing yourself so what the heck. But, I don't know if this is a sin or not. My wife has indicated she doesn't care but wants us both to be disposed of the same way.

    Now to complicate things, I worked 20 years working rotating 12 hour shifts one hour from home with overtime on my days off. Over that length of time I basically had no time off and lost contact with most of my friends and church members who could have/would have been pallbearers for the casket should I die. A lot of friends I had have either moved off, died or become those that I lost contact with. In other words if I died today my wife could not scrape up enough pallbearers to carry the casket.

    Upon further complications my wife has had her hip replaced. Part of this artificial joint is made of titanium and won't melt during cremation. The thoughts of removing it before or after is too gruesome for us to think about so we have ruled out cremation for this reason.

    Our cemetery is less than 1/2 mile from home, my family is there, if I can pop out of the grave as a ghost I can simply walk home and I guess I'll just let the funeral home supply pallbearers. Hopefully I have a little time left and things may change but as for now I own plots at the "marble orchard" and will be buried in the traditional fashion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    My wife's house in Nebraska


    I told my wife she’s going to have to have free beer and sandwiches and naked dancing girls and give my guns away as prizes. That’s the only way to get anyone to my funeral.
    I don’t know a living soul in Nebraska.

  9. #9


    I have decided that the only way to get a buyer's number for my estate auction is to pick it up at my funeral.

    That should increase the attendance at the funeral.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Did you guy's ever think that if you owed the government money there is a regulation against you dying until the debt is paid?

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