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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Phoenix AZ area
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    Default Step into my Wayback Machine - 1956

    Many here remember 1956, I do. Many may have read about it in their high school history book if they got past the First World War.... Slides 1 thru 5

    I found these advertisements on another site and thought you might like them. Have a happy, safe 4th and remember to toast absent comrades.
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    Last edited by PWC; 07-03-2018 at 11:08. Reason: Operator error

  2. #2


    very nice sir. I can't stop looking at that ad for colt 1917 45 acp's. for 26.95. it's like internet porn. thanks for posting.

  3. #3


    That $27 was a lot of money back when the average hourly wage was $1.75 to $2.25 per hour. You'd have to fill a few daily dime savers to buy the gun!
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Yeah -- and you could buy them by mail. I bought my first deer rifle, an M1917 Spanish Mauser for $16.00.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    Yeah -- and you could buy them by mail. I bought my first deer rifle, an M1917 Spanish Mauser for $16.00.
    It all ended shortly after JFK got blasted with a mail order Carcano. Yeah that really changed the world--no one since has been shot by a gun.

    I remember those and similar ads running into the 60's. Some of those guns really aren't worth more now. It was a reminder of how most countries sold off their surplus weapons where as the U.S. destroyed them. Our tax dollars at work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    U.S. Federal minimum wage in 1956 was $1 per hour. Didn't get to $1.25 until 1963.
    Illinois apparently had no “operative” minimum wage law until 1972. Currently, it's $8.25 per hour. The number of hours per week varied by occupation, but it averaged about 40.
    "...It all ended shortly after JFK got..." Nope. Gun Control Act of 1968.
    Spelling and grammar count!

  7. Default

    LIVING in NYC and ordered an Enfield from Penn. The mail. man left a notice and I picked it up the next day after school. No crimes or injuries occurred

  8. #8


    U.S. Federal minimum wage in 1956 was $1 per hour. Didn't get to $1.25 until 1963.....
    MINIMUM WAGE....try the average wage. You know, what most people with skills and an education brought home.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New York


    I got my 30-30 Winchester in the mail still have it carried it in the back window of my pickup even when i went to school. School always closed the first day of deer season.
    Thank you for the memory with the pictures

  10. Default

    $26.95 in 1956 dollars=$253.47 today. And the tax bite in 1956 was a LOT lower. You got to keep a LOT more of your paycheck.

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