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Thread: Not Yogi

  1. Default Not Yogi

    Had one in my front yard a couple of years ago. I am a block from the HS and two from the elementary.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Dang! I occasionally have black bears in my yard. Never had one act aggressively.

  3. Default

    They attack my bird feeders about every other yr on average. Have tried repeatedly to give them a dose of #8 shot, but no matter how stealthily I try to creep around the side of my house, all I ever see of them is a black blur going through the bushes in the opposite direction. I always shoot anyway in the hope the noise will scare them away, but some yrs it takes several such "scares" before they give up. Once my 50 lb Irish Setter sent one running in a panic when I let her out without looking out first in my front yard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by clintonhater View Post
    They attack my bird feeders about every other yr on average. Have tried repeatedly to give them a dose of #8 shot, but no matter how stealthily I try to creep around the side of my house, all I ever see of them is a black blur going through the bushes in the opposite direction. I always shoot anyway in the hope the noise will scare them away, but some yrs it takes several such "scares" before they give up. Once my 50 lb Irish Setter sent one running in a panic when I let her out without looking out first in my front yard.
    Sounds like he's "smarter than the average bear".

    At least the bears run from you instead of attacking you and your dog. I suppose if they became hungry enough they would.

  5. #5
    leftyo Guest


    they usually arent a problem. normally issues happen when cubs are involved, or they are startled.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Why is a 5 year old running around at 2:30am?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    A dose of #8 shot will give you a wounded, PO'd, bear. Good idea. Even wounded, Yogi can cover 100 yards in under 6 seconds. And your little dog won't help.
    "...running around at 2:30am?..." Exactly. Kind of suspect the kid startled Yogi(or Cindy) or tried to pet 'em.
    Spelling and grammar count!

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