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  1. Default Anyone who listens to Savage Nation?

    I was listening to Michael Savage last Thursday and he was talking on the shooting in Florida. He mentioned part of the problem comes from all the mental institutions being shut down by liberals in the past. He also went on to say the time has arrived for reasonable gun control legislation. He said why should anyone need to own a AR-15? I have always enjoyed his programs in the past. However I believe this is going to rap it up for me as far as listening to the Savage Nation! What say you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    He's jumping on the bandwagon. And he's wrong.

    Consider the issue of mental institutions -- most people with mental problems are NOT dangerous. They are no more likely to commit a crime than "normal" people.

    Next, if we start institutionalizing people, what due process will they have? How can you defend yourself -- not against a criminal accusation, the claim that you did something -- but against someone saying you MIGHT do something?

  3. Default

    I used to kind of like listening to him but most of his show is him bragging on himself. I think he is a liberal that hasnt come out of the closet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Norhteastern PA


    Nothing new. I stopped listening to him a couple of years ago when he was previously expousing "reasonable gun control."
    I dream of a better world. One where chickens may cross the road without their motives being questioned.

  5. Default

    Nice post Vern - how true. I will add, that, yes, the libs did push and got institutionalizing of a large percentage of the mentally ill with the proviso that these folks would be supported by community mental health facilities. The Reagan OMB succeeded in drastically cutting thee funds as well as money available for store front veterans' facilities.

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