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    If these defective organisms are allowed to be out in society they will create problems. Period. Violence comes from the mind, not the hands.

    Media has created this by giving them their 15 mins. The would be monster in Everett WA put in his diary he wanted the highest body count and to be famous.

  2. #12


    NZ is pretty easy on rifles but they do do split hairs on semiautos. You can license an M-1 as any ordinary sporting rifle if it has the bayonet lug ground off and you agree to use only 5 shot clips in it. The next step up in licensing is an issue M-1 with 8 rd. Clips or such as the AR-15 type rifle with a ten round mag. Bigger mags than that are at the top of their licensing. Live full autos are fairly easy to license but they are not allowed to be fired. Pistols - my kiwi friend shoots borrowed ones in matches occasionally but I don't know exactly how the licensing works for them. As in Australia and England they cannot use a firearm in self defense. In New Zealand they can have an ex military issue Full auto AK or FAL that has been converted to semi only.

    And there's no crime committed with legally owned firearms. The small amount of crime committed with guns is invariably committed with illegal ones. Is that better?

    Totally agree the age should be raised to 21 to buy any gun.
    Last edited by Griff Murphey; 02-16-2018 at 12:00.

  3. #13


    [QUOTE=Marty T.;520893]First, get off the kick that the "gun" did anything. I laid my 410 shotgun beside a box of shells and told it that it was free to load itself and go shoot something. Guess what, it laid there for days and never moved. My point being, guns don't do anything without the person using it. Back in our youth, kids were not drugged up and society had rules that were followed and laws that had a punishment. I heard on the news that some executions were not being carried out because the "drugs used could not be obtained from an agreement between the gov. and the people against capital punishment". WHEN did any of these criminals try to make killing their victims painless. Bring back swift and harsh punishment, get kids off the drugs and start using discipline at home, get God back in our lives and teach that life is a gift from God and that we are to try to make each others lives as good as we can. Gun laws don't work, punishment will.[/QU

    Comment is on the money

  4. Default

    The news "media" (as Fred Allen might say, they're a medium because they do nothing well) have admitted that Cruz bought his gun legally. I note the New York Post has turned coat and urged the legal age for firearms purchases be raised to 21, saying that someone who is only 18 "doesn't have much of a background" ?
    Australia ? New Zealand ? I am not enamored of the Commonwealth countries, for us The Constitution is a clearly written document that was explained to and ratified by The People, not some amorphous idea that has "just growed". The Bill of Rights was written in response to specific demands, and foremost in it is the 2A and the "Right of the People...." Having to join a club and allow the members to vote...not much of a right then, is it ? Should someone who wants to drink be required to join a club and have his qualifications debated....
    I have read that the Trudeau Government in Canada wants background checks to include "conjugal partners"-tell me that's not going to door to malicious-and false-accusations. As The Wall Street Journal noted in an editorial a few days ago for some a mere allegation is all that is needed. Shades of Stalin's USSR.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by blackhawknj View Post
    I note the New York Post has turned coat and urged the legal age for firearms purchases be raised to 21, saying that someone who is only 18 "doesn't have much of a background" ?
    There is some logic to that, based on the legal drinking age of 21--which I sure wouldn't want lowered. Not being able to purchase doesn't mean not being able to use--I was given my first at 10, and most states will grant a hunting license at 16 or younger. The 18 yr old who can't find a parent or other adult who trusts him enough to take the responsibility of providing him with a gun, if he wants it, is probably suspect. Yes, it's an imposition on a mature & responsible 18 yr old, but waiting 3 yrs isn't an impossibly heavy cross to bear. Anyway, aren't most mature & responsible 18 yr olds entering college or job training with little money for gun-buying?

  6. #16
    leftyo Guest


    should probably raise the voting age also. if the brains arent there for drinking, or gun ownership, they are not there for intelligent voting either.

  7. #17


    The bottom line is if the FBI / law enforcement would have done their jobs we wound not be talking about this. I suspect their myriad of rules to ensure that no ones "rights are violated" etc .came into play. Once again the Left will blame the gun but will go to the mat to defend HIPPA and medical privacy which you can blame for a lot of these mass shootings.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

  9. #19


    Remember the words of the Duke's dying uncle (except for Newt, of course).

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by leftyo View Post
    should probably raise the voting age also. if the brains arent there for drinking, or gun ownership, they are not there for intelligent voting either.
    No, they absolutely are not! The irrational decision to lower voting age to 18 was based on what some demagogues claimed was the "unfairness" of 18 yr olds being subject to the draft without having a vote. But what does becoming a mindless cog in the military machine have to do with intelligently weighing political options? The LAST thing demanded of a Private is independent thinking!

    If voting eligibility was based on knowledge & good judgment, as demonstrated by some fair test, then age would be irrelevant.

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