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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bruce View Post
    Suppose some have a hard time believing anything can improve in Chicago. Like anything else, there will be changes. Some improvements. It's like that at any school. In any normal school, 90% is an A, 80% is a B, 70% is a C, not sure about D's... maybe 65%. Have had some clowns who insisted on using the "curve." They wanted to pretend that their idea of normal was normal. Bull. Man makes a 90 or better ... he made an A. Doesn't matter what others scored. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    Come on Bruce that is hog wash. What if everybody gets 100% Does that prove the entire class are geniuses? Today there are classes that everybody gets an A and nobody ever flunks. That is bogus and detrimental to those students that study and do their assignments. How would you feel if some dude went to class on the first day of school and skipped every class until the final and still got an A, while you spent a hundred hours in class and studying and you get the same grade.

    My grand daughter is a teacher. When she did her student teaching assignment there was another student teacher that was habitually late, never prepared, and walked out of his class saying "I can't do this." The school they were assigned to gave him a firm F grade. The college refused and insisted he get the same grade as the oteer student teachers.

    Then there are (were?) "programmed" texts where the students were given a test the first day and the same test was the final exam. All the student had to do was study the test questions with no real understanding of the subject at hand. Grades are very important and and used to mean something now they are given out like gold stars in Sunday school.
    Last edited by RED; 12-10-2017 at 06:22.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    If everone gets 100%, they made A's. It's that simple. IF the teacher/administration is not happy, they just need to review what they consider appropriate questions/answers. Now, on stuff like history, English, literature, art, etc., opinions may sway a answer. But, that is not the case in subjects like language, math, science, etc.

    Some folks will always be able to master material that leaves others struggling. I had virtually straight A's in Hebrew and Greek. That did not mean the material was to easy. It simply meant that not everyone struggles at the same rate on the same things. In one Hebrew class of 33 students, a total of 7 passed. The rest flunked. Of the seven, one got an A. I'm not sure of the other grades. The following years in a different Hebrew class, IIRC, there were 35 students of which I was one. There were IIRC 4 who failed to finish/flunked. The rest passed with at least a 78 average (lowest "C" grade). I very much doubt the men in that second class were all gifted genius level Hebrew students. We all were paying the same tuition, fees, etc. It would have been the height of lunacy to use some sort of curve to grade resulting in people getting dumbed down grades whose work was fully equal to that of those who just happened to hit a bit higher on the scale, especially when those students were all scoring well within the range for A level work. It would have been just as crazy to take the first class and using a curve give people passing grades when their work was simply not passing quality. Will say, in taking Greek, everything seemed a bit easier. This was not merely my opinion. A lot of my friends were of the same opinion. We started with Hebrew and then did Greek.

    Would not contradict your statements regarding the experience of your grand daughter. I have no experience in teaching. Will say that teachers who fail to perform do not last. My daughter did well in colleges, honors, etc. Upon graduation, she was hired to teach math/science at the elementary level. She now works with Title I children. The results she has produced in her classes have been remarkable. Other teachers hired with her have not lasted. Doubtless there are colleges that will simply pass people through. In the workplace, those folks have to stand on their own two feet. Tough if they haven't yet learned how to crawl.

    Have had classes where we were clearly told exactly and precisely what we would be responsible to master by the end of the course. There was never any doubt as to the consequences of failing to master material. Those who wanted to could jump on the material and proceed at their own pace. Come the end of the course, you had to be able to prove you know what you were talking about. Merely memorizing and spitting back paragraphs from various texts was of no consequence. Got no problem with requirements being spelled out in detail. Always liked it. Made it possible to get a real jump on things early in the semester. Come mid-terms and finals ... you had to be able to perform. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    Last edited by bruce; 12-10-2017 at 01:12.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  3. #13


    It's all our fault.... Its the way the tests are worded!! Slanted towards the "ruling majority"!

    To correct this, (in Chicago), one of the math problems has been reworded to this.....

    (deprived minority name here) has an AK-47 with three 30 shot magazines, If he does 4 gang drive by hits, firing 13 round per drive by, How many shots does he have left to fight it out with the Po-lice?
    He who beats his sword into a plowshare, will soon be plowing for somebody else!

  4. #14


    Whatchu be sayin'? Aint nobody gots that many finga's!
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

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