Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1

    Default contributing to the board. pay to play

    I don't mind having to contribute to keep the board running, what I do object to is paying to have these retards on the 2nd amendment do nothing but insult each other or keep shoving in our faces what HILLARY /OBAMA did/said. didn't we go to a lot of trouble to get rid of her so we didn't have to listen to her anymore? take a look over on that board and see the childish nonsense going on there now. with the name calling and such. how about a system where we pay so much in advance to post so many words. this is a great forum with lots of knowing people who are glad to help out, but these a-holes seem to do nothing else but start arguments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by free1954 View Post
    I don't mind having to contribute to keep the board running, what I do object to is paying to have these retards on the 2nd amendment do nothing but insult each other or keep shoving in our faces what HILLARY /OBAMA did/said. didn't we go to a lot of trouble to get rid of her so we didn't have to listen to her anymore? take a look over on that board and see the childish nonsense going on there now. with the name calling and such. how about a system where we pay so much in advance to post so many words. this is a great forum with lots of knowing people who are glad to help out, but these a-holes seem to do nothing else but start arguments.
    As Vern said, "Don't feed the trolls." With your suggestion those of us with very modest means would be shuttered aside.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    As Vern said, "Don't feed the trolls." With your suggestion those of us with very modest means would be shuttered aside.
    Agree. We don't have very many contributors as it is. On the Yahoo site if type in queer, fag or some other word they don't want to hear about it appears as %$#&^. Maybe this site could be set up where if obama or hillary was mentioned the same would happen or the post would just be rejected.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by free1954 View Post
    I don't mind having to contribute to keep the board running, what I do object to is paying to have these retards on the 2nd amendment do nothing but insult each other or keep shoving in our faces what HILLARY /OBAMA did/said. didn't we go to a lot of trouble to get rid of her so we didn't have to listen to her anymore? take a look over on that board and see the childish nonsense going on there now. with the name calling and such. how about a system where we pay so much in advance to post so many words. this is a great forum with lots of knowing people who are glad to help out, but these a-holes seem to do nothing else but start arguments.
    Then don't go to the 2nd amendment, all the other boards are filled with knowledgeable people. If you want to argue go on the 2nd if you want to talk about a gun related subject go to one of the others. Pretty simple.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Allen View Post
    On the Yahoo site if type in queer, fag or some other word they don't want to hear about it appears as %$#&^.
    Yahoo obviously respects the 1st Amendment as much as they do their users' privacy. Furthermore, a good many young queers have decided they WANT to call themselves queer, as can be verified by a little Google searching!

    But enforces exactly the same kind of gag-order; even--can you believe it?--"damn" is banned!

    None of that here, I sincerely hope.

  6. #6
    leftyo Guest


    seems the same up here, people calling others retards. just sayin'!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by swampyankee View Post
    Then don't go to the 2nd amendment, all the other boards are filled with knowledgeable people. If you want to argue go on the 2nd if you want to talk about a gun related subject go to one of the others. Pretty simple.

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